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Military Diorama
Military Diorama
Military Diorama
Ebook14 pages12 minutes

Military Diorama

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

San Meng is a simple man. A retired veteran who works the mines to provide for his family and takes each day one at a time. So why does he continue to have dreams of a non-existent enemy threatening his family? Dreams that are whispered into his mind by a him that never existed? A chilling short-story that looks at mankind's tendency to dehumanize even what it makes as human.

PublisherDavid Kitson
Release dateJan 1, 2011
Military Diorama

David Kitson

David Kitson has worked in corporate and government environments as a security analyst and technical network architect, as well as a print and TV journalist focusing on video games and technology news. His love of science stems back to a childhood spent climbing trees and building rocket launchers. He lives in Western Australia with his wife and four children.

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    Book preview

    Military Diorama - David Kitson

    Military Diorama

    by David Kitson

    Smashwords Edition.

    Copyright 2010 David Kitson

    Shared under Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives


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    * * * * *

    The sound of something crashing through the tree canopy set San Meng on edge. He dropped instinctively into a crouch behind a small grass tree and peered out from the side to see what had caused the noise.

    He wouldn’t normally be so jumpy but the appearance of a convoy of soldiers in his village that morning felt ominous. Like a premonition of his own death, it left him uneasy.

    A sudden rushing sound grew out of the silence. The wing of a low-altitude insertion craft flicked overhead, just visible through the canopy as it flashed by at tree-top level. A glimpse of dark blue with white lettering giving away it's allegiance. Another

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