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Joseph: My Son, My Guide
Joseph: My Son, My Guide
Joseph: My Son, My Guide
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Joseph: My Son, My Guide

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About this ebook

The compelling true story of a baby, who lived only three minutes, but returned years later to communicate with his mother. Kathryn Davi-Cardinale shares the miracle of reconnection and messages from her son-guide that are both personal and universal. They are indeed . . . for everyone.

Davi-Cardinale is a certified grief counselor and clinical hypnotherapist. She invites you to open your heart and mind, as you travel with her on this unexpected, truly amazing—and ongoing—journey. She offers hope and peace to all who have lost a loved one, of any age. If you are concerned about what happens after death, but can bring to this book an open mind, Joseph—My Son, My Guide can transform the way you look at life, death, and afterlife.

Journaling Pages, with insightful question prompts, follow selected chapters.

Release dateSep 7, 2012
Joseph: My Son, My Guide

Kathryn Davi-Cardinale

Kathryn Davi-Cardinale is a certified grief counselor and clinical hypnotherapist. She and her husband, Sal, live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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    Book preview

    Joseph - Kathryn Davi-Cardinale


    My Son • My Guide

    Communications From the Baby I Lost at Birth


    Kathryn Davi-Cardinale


    My Son • My Guide

    Copyright 2012 by Kathryn Davi-Cardinale

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    Cover art, Ariyanna, Birth of the Soul©

    by Deborah Brooks

    Used with permission. All rights reserved

    Gazing Above

    © 1998 by Alison Joy King

    Used with permission. All rights reserved

    " . . . a beautiful testimony to a mother’s love, and the strong connection, the golden thread, that binds Mother and Son together, even if that child now lives only in her heart and mind. I am deeply touched by Kathryn’s courage both to listen to the messages delivered to her and, in turn, to deliver those wondrous messages of love and angelic protection to the rest of the world." — Deborah Brooks, Visionary, Artist, Inspirational Speaker, Author of "Daddy" An Invitation to Love (

    "Kathryn’s sharing of her most intimate and sacred communication experiences with her son Joseph deeply inspires and uplifts one’s SPIRIT! It encourages being open to new possibilities as each experience plays across the heartstrings of hope, truth and love within. Having personally lost my son Bobby in an airplane crash and, most recently, my beloved husband Bill, I can so relate to the unique and ‘heart-oriented’ ways each of our precious loved ones chooses to communicate with us!"— Shirley Ruiz-Orlich, inspirational speaker and author of Journey to High Places: A Spiritual Odyssey (

    "Kathryn Davi-Cardinale’s trust in her inner life and experience reaffirms for the rest of us the validity of our own unexplainable contacts from the ‘other side’ of life."Alfred J. Garrotto, author of The Wisdom of Les Miserables: Lessons From the Heart of Jean Valjean and The Saint of Florenville: A Love Story [optioned for production as a feature film]














    APPENDIX I: My Answered Prayers

    APPENDIX II: Beyond Words


    GAZING ABOVE, a Poem by Alison Joy King



    This book is dedicated to


    my strength and my breath,

    my all and everything,

    for abundant blessings and miracles in this lifetime

    and to


    for showering me with his constant encouragement,

    without which this manual of messages

    would neither have been started nor completed.


    I am indebted to my parents, Sal and Rose Davi, who inspired me to live my faith. They continue to send unconditional love to me and our family from the other side. My loving husband Sal has shown extraordinary patience as he has come to understand and accept why I was sitting up in bed writing, often at two or three in the morning.

    My daughter Cathi had confidence that this book would be published, long before I did. She is truly my mentor. My son Bob has always supported me . . . Nothing you do ever surprises me, Mom! My amazing grandchildren, Carrie, Dan, Lauren, and Alison have taught me valuable lessons. Each one is a teacher to me, as is my dear sister, Norma, who lives her life in gratitude.

    Earlene Sykes, my soul sister, opened the window for me to explore. Both Joanne Macko and Kay Taylor gave me confidence to continue on my path. I am grateful to another soul sister, Shirley Ruiz-Orlich, for giving me permission to use her heartfelt story; and to my dear friends, Sandi Metzer, Lorene Caulfield, and June Foster, for allowing me to share their beautiful experiences.

    A special thank you to my friend, Deborah Brooks, who graciously granted me permission to grace the cover of this book with her magnificent painting, Ariyanna—Birth of the Soul©.

    Alfred J. Garrotto, my friend, editor, and noted author in his own right, held my hand and guided me through the final preparation and book-publishing process.

    With my heart filled to the brim with love, I say, Thank you, to my clients who have allowed me to be part of their healing journeys at difficult moments in their lives. I am humbled

    I am blessed.


    I received these inspirational writings through inner dictation and was told that they are meant for everyone and their content was not to be edited.

    I believe that these messages can make our lives fuller and help us attain our highest potential. No matter where one is on the spiritual path, these words challenge us to be more loving and forgiving. I have been challenged personally to remove doubt, surrender, and accept.

    My hope is that you will read each dictation as if it is being spoken to you.

    At the end of selected chapters, you will find a Thoughts and Reflections page, suggesting questions for your personal consideration. I invite you to relate the themes and

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