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Women and Time
Women and Time
Women and Time
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Women and Time

By John

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About this ebook

What makes "Women and Time" different?

North America's top coaches of executive women, Barb McEwen and John Agno, have documented over three years, proven coaching solutions that have worked well for their career women clients. These exclusive self-coaching secrets discovered by successful women clients are now, for the first time, available to all working women.

The concept for the book came about because of very real, very important needs that their female clients repeatedly express. Year after year, the authors have heard working women's frustrations, and have helped them deal with massive internal conflicts. Both society and individuals struggle with countless expectations, too much to do in too little time, and the fact that they receive little of the support or recognition they want—and deserve.

The book is intended to help you understand and work with your unique inner compass. As you read the book, you will be amazed at what you learn about yourself.

"Women and Time" delivers proven time management tips that reduce stress and help you reclaim your time and life.

Release dateJun 6, 2012
Women and Time


John G. Agno is a seasoned corporate executive, entrepreneur, management consultant and executive coach who is dedicated to providing insightful self-coaching insights to help you achieve your life goals. Coach Agno shares his decades of professional coaching and consulting knowledge to create a better life for many through proprietary self-coaching guides; delivered to your smartphone, tablet, eReader, and computer or via low-cost paperback books. Today, Agno coaches senior executives and business owners to reach decision-making clarity by exploring unintended consequences of their future actions in a safe and confidential environment. John helps you see things you are missing, affirms whatever progress you have made, tests your perceptions and lets you know how you are doing. His developmental coaching is personal training that helps you focus your natural abilities in the right direction. The coaching allows your inner-potential to erupt outward through effective leadership; to develop commitment within organizations and in a world of "free agents" and "volunteer" talent.

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    Book preview

    Women and Time - John

    Women and Time

    By John G. Agno and Barbara A. McEwen

    Copyright 2011

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9780975856154

    This book may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the authors. However, permission is granted to people who have purchased this publication and wish to reproduce the content of the book or select pages for their own personal use.

    Readers should be aware that Internet websites offered as citations and/or sources for further information or book purchase may change or disappear between the times of writing and when read.

    Limited of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the authors have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by booksellers or sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The authors shall not be held liable for any loss of profit or any other personal or commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    Table of Contents




    Different Expectations

    Why Gender Matters

    Managing Stress

    Anger: A Second Emotion

    Meeting Expectations: Theirs and Yours

    It’s About Choices

    It is Not Your Fault

    Master the Skill of Focusing

    Weary Women Don’t Get the Life They Want

    Feeling You ‘Have To’

    The Elephant in the Room

    We Get What We Tolerate

    Know Thyself

    What is Your Life Signature?

    Assumptions Drive Behavior

    Your Personal Vision/Mission

    Lack of Purpose = Lack of Focus

    Will You Set Goals or Have Elusive Dreams?


    The Possibility of Having it All

    The Pathway to Happiness

    Become the Same Person at Work and Home

    Changing Outdated Beliefs

    Close the Value Gap

    We Need to Negotiate What We Want

    Do What You Do Best

    Winning at Work

    Know What is Important

    Do What Gets You What You Desire

    Establishing Priorities

    Think: Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule)

    Multitasking Pitfalls


    Perils of Procrastination

    Take Action

    Getting Organized

    Get in Alignment with Your To-Do List

    Time Wasters

    Schedule Think Times

    Be Clear About Your Availability

    Energy, Time and Performance

    Your Attitude is Everything

    After Thought

    About the Authors


    The concept for this book came about because of the frustrations and conflict routinely expressed by female coaching clients; There is so much to do and so little time.

    There have been many articles and books that focus on time management written by men who don't understand female biology or female socialization. Having read books by many male authors, it's clear that they have one or more women doing a considerable amount of work for them -- essentially taking care of them. Is it any wonder that the time management books that are out there don't work well in relieving the pressures working women routinely face?

    In examining this time management dilemma it became apparent that what these women were experiencing were not typical issues. Rather, they were trying to be all things to all people and had neglected their own priorities in the process. For the majority of women there is an underlying problem.

    The theme all these women appear to dance to is: Just Because I Can, I Think I Should.

    Despite long days and a never-ending series of ways for her to improve, these women continue to seriously undermine their health, their family life, their careers and important relationships. Something needs to be done.

    From the perspective of the time-strapped woman, it was decided to reduce the content into valuable insights and ways in which women can quickly put the new insights into practice. For a complete explanation of the insights within this book, you are encouraged to purchase, "When Doing It All Won’t Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women" by Barbara McEwen and John Agno.

    Both books are dedicated to all those hard working women who are willing to embrace liberating change.

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    Everyone you meet these days is overworked and out of time.

    We live in a busy, noisy, complex and exciting world: where almost no one has enough time to make and act on their personal choices. In this 24/7 global economy, too many of us are feeling overly rushed and impatient, becoming easily distracted and forgetful. Dr. Edward Hallowell, a Sudbury,

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