Following this past crazy seventeen months, each working parent will tell you what a juggling work, home and school life has been.
We’ve all been on a roller coaster with the pandemic and have been affected in some shape or form. Eating well for better health and energy is important now more than ever before.
As a foodie and nutritional adviser (I also blog about eco and money-savvy topics), one of my favourite ways to engage with folk is to keep food interesting and fun. There are so many fads out there. Is coconut oil good for us? Or eggs bad for cholesterol? One myth is about carbohydrates, as many people think they are bad and avoid them at all costs. However, one needs to be careful, as carbohydrates are not necessarily bad, one lady I worked with avoided carbs and was often hungry (but would end up eating fats). Factors such as metabolism and how active a person is, can play a big part. Thankfully, I assessed her food intake and made some food suggestions,