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Lovers and Other Strangers
Lovers and Other Strangers
Lovers and Other Strangers
Ebook158 pages

Lovers and Other Strangers

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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  • Mystery

  • Family

  • Guilt

  • Friendship

  • Secrets

  • Second Chance Romance

  • Forbidden Love

  • Friends to Lovers

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Opposites Attract

  • Hurt/comfort

  • Small Town Secrets

  • Power of Friendship

  • Secret Identity

  • Found Family

  • Relationships

  • Betrayal

  • Love

  • Past Relationships

  • Art

About this ebook

Recovering from a near fatal accident, artist Finn Barret returns to Seal Island in Maine to rest and recuperate. But Seal Island is haunted with memories, some sweet, some sad; three years ago Finn found his lover in the arms of Fitch, Finn's twin brother. Since that day, Finn has seen neither Conlan nor Fitch. In fact, no one has seen Fitch.

What happened to Fitch? Did he run away, as everyone believes? Or did he meet a more sinister fate? To put the past to rest - and see if there's any chance of a future with Con - Finn must discover the truth. But the deeper he digs, the more reason he has to fear Con is the only one who knows what truly happened to Fitch...

PublisherJosh Lanyon
Release dateDec 6, 2011
Lovers and Other Strangers

Josh Lanyon

Author of nearly ninety titles of classic Male/Male fiction featuring twisty mystery, kickass adventure, and unapologetic man-on-man romance, JOSH LANYON’S work has been translated into eleven languages. Her FBI thriller Fair Game was the first Male/Male title to be published by Harlequin Mondadori, then the largest romance publisher in Italy. Stranger on the Shore (Harper Collins Italia) was the first M/M title to be published in print. In 2016 Fatal Shadows placed #5 in Japan’s annual Boy Love novel list (the first and only title by a foreign author to place on the list). The Adrien English series was awarded the All-Time Favorite Couple by the Goodreads M/M Romance Group. In 2019, Fatal Shadows became the first LGBTQ mobile game created by Moments: Choose Your Story.She is an EPIC Award winner, a four-time Lambda Literary Award finalist (twice for Gay Mystery), an Edgar nominee, and the first ever recipient of the Goodreads All-Time Favorite M/M Author award.Find other Josh Lanyon titles at www.joshlanyon.comFollow Josh on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

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Reviews for Lovers and Other Strangers

Rating: 3.911764705882353 out of 5 stars

34 ratings4 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a weird and not terribly compelling mystery. Some readers had a hard time connecting with the characters and found the lack of interest in certain aspects of the story to be off-putting. However, others enjoyed the book and found it to be a great read, especially if they are fans of Josh Lanyon novels.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 12, 2018

    Great book, I love Josh Lanyon novels and this one was super
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Feb 13, 2020

    This book was really interesting. And quite frankly hard to jibe with. I had a hard time dealing with the total lack of interest for Fitch well being. He's an asshole yes, but no interest or concern for 3 years... I also couldn't stomach the "romance" in this story. Maybe it needed to be developed more. I typically hate infidelity but I have read other stories involving it that have been explored & worked thru much better

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    May 29, 2015

    This is a weird book. For part of it, I wasn't really sure if Fitch was a real person or a figment of Finn's imagination, based on the way things were described. But it turns out that there are no plot twists. It's a pretty basic but not terribly compelling mystery.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 24, 2013

    Lovers and Other Strangers is a re-issue of a previously published novella. Written in the close third-person viewpoint of Finn, a young painter from a family of famous artists and art critics, it centers on the popular theme of second chances. To get there, it explores the always-compelling coming-of-age question of how a hero can find his own self-worth, separate from the accomplishments of his family. The novella is flawlessly written and enjoyably intricate, filled with plot twists and vivid characters, especially Finn’s flamboyantly gay friend Paul.

    The story begins after Finn suffers a terrible car crash and retreats to his childhood home on an island off the coast of Maine. However, the setting holds bitter memories. Three years ago, Finn caught his twin brother Fitch seducing his lover Con Carlyle, an older debonair writer. Finn reacted by escaping to New York City where he had the car accident. Since he didn’t stay in communication with anybody, he is shocked to find out at the book’s beginning that Fitch has disappeared.

    Now Finn realizes that no one on the island can, or will, tell him what happened to Fitch – not even Con, who begs for forgiveness and a second chance. Finn becomes convinced that Fitch was murdered, and he has no lack of suspects. His twin had a cruel streak that led him to antagonize friends and family. Finn is most troubled by his suspicions that Con may be the prime suspect – especially since he still harbors intense feelings towards the elegant and complex older man.

    Val for AReCafe

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Lovers and Other Strangers - Josh Lanyon

Recovering from a near fatal accident, artist Finn Barret returns to Seal Island in Maine to rest and recuperate. But Seal Island is haunted with memories, some sweet, some sad; three years ago Finn found his lover in the arms of Fitch, Finn’s twin brother. Since that day, Finn has seen neither Conlan nor Fitch. In fact, no one has seen Fitch.

What happened to him? Did Fitch run away, as everyone believes? Or did he meet a more sinister fate? To put the past to rest - and see if there’s any chance of a future with Con - Finn must discover the truth. But the deeper he digs, the more reason he has to fear Con is the only one who knows what truly happened to Fitch.



Josh Lanyon

Chapter One

If he had been painting the scene before him, he would have used only four colors: Permanent Rose alkyd for the pink streaks in the fading sunset and the reflections in the water; Dioxazine Purple alkyd for the shadows lengthening on the creamy sand, the crevices of the rocks, the glint and gleam of water, the edges of the pier; Cadmium Yellow alkyd to blaze from windows, for the dimples in the sand, to limn the rocks, to gild the tips of scrubby, windblown grass, more reflections in the water; Indigo oil for the tumbling waves, for the indistinct forms of the buildings beyond, for the swift coming night.

For the first time in weeks, Finn felt the desire to take a palette knife and mix color, to pick up a brush and try to capture what he saw. For the first time in weeks, he felt a flicker of something close to interest, to emotion.

Maybe it was the salt air, maybe it was the cold—the briny wind whipping off the ocean stung his face—maybe it was the smell of wood smoke with all the warm memories it conjured. Or the cries of the gulls, the slap of the waves, the mingled fragrance of pipe smoke and car exhaust as he waited in the old station wagon for Hiram to carry his bags from the dock. Maybe it was all these things.

But it was the color he felt most intensely. Luminous color seeping into his consciousness, the hues and values, the shadows and lights, the dull tones, the vibrant—he was waking up. It was not a comfortable process, and Finn huddled deeper into his leather jacket.

Hiram strode to the car and threw Finn’s bags in the back. Coming around to the front, he climbed in behind the wheel. Starting the engine, he glanced briefly at Finn as he backed the car, narrowly missing a leaning tower of stacked lobster traps.

Guess it looks pretty different after all this time?

Seal Island didn’t look different at all in the purple dusk, but Finn said, Three years is a long time.

Ay-yup, Hiram said. Your uncle Thomas is going to be happy as a clam at high tide to see you.

Finn’s smile twisted. Everyone was being very kind. Especially considering what a pain in the ass he was to show up with almost no warning.

The station wagon crunched its way slowly over sand and shale, past the shadowy buildings and boats, the faded, peeling signs.

’Course Thomas is in France right now. Some art show or another.

Finn murmured something. He didn’t need to say anything. Hiram was happy to fill in all the blanks. There were a lot of blanks after so long.

Martha’s arthritis is giving her heck. Well, we’re all gettin’ older. Mr. Peabody’s gone now. Pneumonia. Last month. Miz Landy took over the general store.

The car reached the surfaced road that ran around the island—smoother in some places than others. By now the amethyst dusk was falling back before the onslaught of night. Finn felt tension growing inside, his stomach knotting up with his fists. It was irrational. Irritating. Fear of the dark? At his age? It was cold, though—bitingly. After a short battle with himself, he reached for the rough plaid car blanket that smelled of a million journeys and spread it over his left leg, which had started aching.

Not used to the cold anymore, he muttered, but Hiram took no notice, still palavering about people and things Finn had stopped caring about—tried to stop caring about—a long time ago. Ay-yup, what a pleasant surprise—shock, translated Finn—it had been to hear from Finn. Martha had been in a twitter ever since she got his message. And what a surprise Thomas had waiting for him when he got home. What a surprise it was going to be for everyone.

Finn almost asked then. But it was too much effort, and he wasn’t sure even now he could take the answer, so he smiled politely and stared out the window as though he had newly arrived from another planet, which was pretty much how it felt.

Stands of pine trees stood stark and sharp against the dusk as the car climbed slowly, winding up through the rolling hills. The pines looked black against the lowering sky, but that was an illusion. He’d start with a sketch, using a No. 0 watercolor brush. For the sky and water, he’d use a blend of Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cadmium Red Light, and Titanium White. For the upper sky, he’d choose French Ultramarine, Dioxazine Purple and more Titanium White…

White. He had a sudden recollection of blazing white walls and the sun bouncing off pale sand—too much light, and a brightness that hurt the eyes. The white beneath a silent gull’s wingspan, the white of the craggy clouds, the white of the tiny wildflowers growing beside the white speckled stone walls.

The lighthouse was on the other side of the island. No need to see it at all if he didn’t choose to—and why the hell would he ever want to see it again?

Hiram was saying, Miz Estelle won first prize at Union Fair for her wild blueberry sour cream cake.

Finn felt an unexpected twinge of hunger. I still remember those cinnamon-sugar biscuits she used to make.

The old man nodded in heartfelt agreement.

The car turned off the main road and ground its way up the steep last stretch. The house was called The Birches. One of those charming turn-of-the-century, ten-bedroom cottages, it stood in a grove of white birches overlooking Otter Cove. Green lawns swept down to the rocks at the water’s edge, ancient, gently tilting pines framed sunsets so beautiful they made the heart ache. In the failing light, the house looked eerily untouched by time.

Hiram pulled up in front of the long front porch. Lights shone welcomingly from several downstairs windows.

Ain’t no place like home, he said, and Finn made a sound in his throat that was supposed to be humor but wasn’t.

Hiram got out of the car. The front door of the house flew open, and Martha came bustling down the shell-strewn path as Finn climbed carefully out of the station wagon. Tears glittered on Martha’s wrinkled cheeks, and she hugged him tight, pulling him to her ample bosom like he was a child again.

Look at you, you young rascal!

Finn didn’t have to do much more than smile and permit himself to be hugged again; Martha was doing all the talking—although afterward he had no idea of anything she’d said. He was literally overwhelmed with memories and unwelcome emotion.

Hiram went to get the bags, and Finn was being urged inside the house to warmth and comfort—the prodigal returned. By then he was exhausted. He should have brought the cane; he was hobbling badly, not used to walking any distance yet, and the plane flight and boat ride not helping any. Maybe he was more crocked up than he wanted to admit—he was certainly in more pain.

The house smelled familiar. It smelled of baking and wood fire—and the invariable ghostly hint of oil paint, although it had been decades since anyone in the house painted with oils. It smelled like his childhood: safe and warm and loved. He stared curiously as he was hustled past a familiar painted chest, wing chairs upholstered in pale gray roses, white bookcases, well-remembered paintings. It felt odd to see these things again—like he was visiting a museum.

Ushered into the kitchen, he was ensconced in the old rocker and ordered to stay put near the enormous gas stove where Martha had cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the Barrets for the past thirty years. That suited him fine. Gave him a chance to catch his breath and get control of himself.

Martha and Hiram conferred outside briefly—he could imagine how that went—and then Martha was inside the kitchen and chattering a mile a minute, banging pots and pans around to relieve her feelings.

Finn eyed her curiously from the perspective of his years away. She was in her late sixties now, a small, very plump woman with silky white hair—it had been white since her early thirties—and soft dark eyes. Something about her had always reminded him of a dove, though doves were fairly stupid birds and Martha was a far-from-stupid woman.

Now that you’ve been living in New York, I suppose you won’t be happy with fiddleheads and potatoes anymore? It’ll be fancy curries and nouveau cuisine you’re used to, I reckon.

Finn laughed—he lived on peanut butter sandwiches half the time—and said, I haven’t had a decent bowl of chowdah since I left here.

She stopped chattering then, coming to him, putting her hands on either side of his head. She turned his face to the light, examining him closely. The only damage that showed was the one scar—still healing—on his temple. What didn’t show was the horrific long gash from his hip to the middle of his calf. Torn muscles, damaged nerves, but oddly no broken bones. He had been left with one hell of an ugly seam down his leg, but he knew how lucky he had been. And aside from the scars, he was going to be as good as new eventually. That was why he had to stop dwelling on the might-have-beens. The close call didn’t matter, because he was going to be all right—as soon as the headaches stopped.

Martha was staring into his eyes as though trying to read his mind. He blinked up at her, and her eyes filled with tears again. She kissed him—something he couldn’t remember her doing since he had been very small. She was clearly horrified at herself. Not as horrified as he was, though—not that she had kissed him, but that he had been so moved, his throat closed and he had to look away.

It was only for an instant. Nothing more than the aftermath of the accident—and probably his meds. It did something to you, nearly dying. And dying sometimes felt like the least of it.

Your uncle Thomas will be here tonight, she said.

That snapped him out of his self-consciousness. Uncle Tom? I thought…

Why, I phoned him the minute I heard from you, Martha said a little defiantly—because Finn had expressly told her not to bother Thomas. "Of course he’d want to know! Of course he’s coming home. And while I’m thinking of it, that friend of yours

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