Zayd Thornton, hailing from the enchanting landscapes of South Africa, is exploring the realms of of fantasy fiction and non-fiction writtingl. With a debut that set hearts racing in the fantasy ge...view moreZayd Thornton, hailing from the enchanting landscapes of South Africa, is exploring the realms of of fantasy fiction and non-fiction writtingl. With a debut that set hearts racing in the fantasy genre, "Fairy-Tech Academy: Magic Meets Machinery," Zayd presents a vibrant world where ancient spells intertwine with futuristic technology. A lifelong enthusiast of storytelling, Zayd's journey from a captivated reader to a prolific author reflects in the rich narrative layers and imaginative prowess of their work. The essence of Zayd's homeland—its vibrant cultural fabric and indomitable spirit—permeates the pages of their fantasy debut, inviting readers into a universe of magical dilemmas and innovative solutions, led by the young, determined Lila. Expanding their literary horizons, Zayd has ventured into non-fiction with "Say It With Love: Wedding Speech Templates for Every Role," a comprehensive guide aimed at easing the daunting task of speech-writing for wedding participants. This book showcases Zayd's versatility, offering a spectrum of templates from heartfelt to humorous, covering every conceivable role in a wedding ceremony. Here, the passion for storytelling transforms into practical assistance, guiding readers to articulate their feelings with elegance and sincerity.view less