Tom Bissinger grew up in San Francisco, attended Phillips Academy and Stanford University, and after military service, moved to New York, where in the 1960s, he directed plays Off-...view moreTom Bissinger grew up in San Francisco, attended Phillips Academy and Stanford University, and after military service, moved to New York, where in the 1960s, he directed plays Off- and Off-Off-Broadway as well as in theaters throughout the United States and Europe. He began writing plays and short fiction in the 1970s when he moved to the Pennsylvania countryside. His plays include the tragic comedy The Big Kephresh, Descartes’ Blues (a play about the life and loves of Rene Descartes), and his latest (coauthored with Dance Wareham) The Bus, which was performed on a forty-foot bus. He has held a variety of jobs in teaching, publishing, and performing. His book Da Capo: Selected Writings 1967–2004, edited by Philip Beitchman, PhD, was published in 2008. Since 1987, Bissinger has studied with Joseph Rael, an American Indian visionary. Bissinger is married with two children and many grandchildren.view less