Stirling Davenport lives in Norwalk, Connecticut and writes science fiction, fantasy, horror and mainstream fiction. Her short story “Abba’s Mark” was published in 1998 by Design-Image Group in a v...view moreStirling Davenport lives in Norwalk, Connecticut and writes science fiction, fantasy, horror and mainstream fiction. Her short story “Abba’s Mark” was published in 1998 by Design-Image Group in a vampire anthology called The Darkest Thirst. Several of her stories have appeared in on-line markets. Her web site is a changing collage of poetry, travel photos, journal entries, articles and experimental work. As an artist and writer, Stirling has taught creative fiction, been interviewed on local television, run art therapy workshops, taught art to children, and written software. Stirling is a member of the 6’ Ferret Writers’ Group, and she drew the ferret trucker logo displayed on the group’s web site In her spare time, she is studying Tibetan thangka painting and learning Tibetan. Stirling holds a B.A. from University of Massachusetts, and honors in Literature and Visual Arts from State University of New York at Purchaseview less