As a Self-Help writer, blogger - my mission is to pass on what I've learned, and hope that you will use that knowledge to acieve what your goals in life. In order for that to happen, I need us to b...view moreAs a Self-Help writer, blogger - my mission is to pass on what I've learned, and hope that you will use that knowledge to acieve what your goals in life. In order for that to happen, I need us to build a trusting relationship, and for that to be possible - you have to know who I am, and what I stand for.
If you’ve read my book “Avoiding the maze”, you’ll know that I often have a problem trusting something if I don’t know HOW it works. I usually need some sort of scientific evidence, and even when I find evidence, I often conduct a few experiments of my own, just to make certain I’m on the right track. You see, life’s short, and I don’t like wasting time on things that don’t work for me.
For more than thirty years, I searched for that illusive something which I thought would make me happy, and in turn make my life perfect. Throughout that time, I must have read at least two hundred books, and listened to more CD’s than I care to remember. Until about ten years ago, I felt as though I was lost in a maze of information. There just seemed to be too many theories that all sounded perfectly true to me on some level, while on the other side of the coin, a number of those same theories also tended to contradict each other in a number of areas.
Furthermore, I found it difficult to understand why, with so many people reading all those books – finding just a handful of them who actually discovered what they were looking for, was like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.
I just became so damn sick and tired of waiting for all the wonderful things I was told I could receive in my life by doing stuff like trusting in the Law of Attraction, practicing positive thinking, meditating, and dozens of other fantastic things that so many gurus write about in their best-selling works of art. I just wanted someone to tell me how, in simple, good old easy to comprehend, English. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.
In-fact I became so tired of it, that I decided to make it my mission in life to find out HOW these things work, and then share the answers with you, so you don’t have to spend countless hours wondering through that huge maze of self-help information, the way I did. I hope I won’t let you down during this quest, and if at any stage you find me joining all the other writers who force you to consult a dictionary every second paragraph, just so you can understand what they’re saying – please do not hesitate to tell me.
Yours in Truth
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