My name is Albert B. Ulrich. My friends call me Al or Big Al. I have been an aquarium hobbyist for almost 30 years and my articles have been published in the hobby magazines Aquarium Fish Internati...view moreMy name is Albert B. Ulrich. My friends call me Al or Big Al. I have been an aquarium hobbyist for almost 30 years and my articles have been published in the hobby magazines Aquarium Fish International and Aquariums USA . I was on the board of directors of a local aquarium club, and I read and write about the hobby as much as I can. I have successfully bred the banggai cardinalfish, common clownfish and the neon goby.I am a jokester at heart and I don’t like to take myself too seriously. I hope a little bit of that personality shows in my writing. I’m not really sure if it translates well to the written word–but I’m generally trying to joke around and have a good time. This hobby shouldn’t be a mystery–and newcomers to the hobby shouldn’t be surprised by preventable, predictable problems. My goal is to help others avoid making the same mistakes I made. If you like my books you should come check out my blog at:http://saltwateraquariumblog.comview less