To paint me it would take an artist's imagination. I am as complex as a stormy sky and simple as a quill pen. I can be as every changing as the stream that flows swiftly over your hand or as still ...view moreTo paint me it would take an artist's imagination. I am as complex as a stormy sky and simple as a quill pen. I can be as every changing as the stream that flows swiftly over your hand or as still as the sleeping rose below the snow. I am a Writer!My name is L.M. Hannah, for most of my life I have lived and loved in Cleveland Ohio. I come from a long line of storytellers. My father was a truck driver, and they can tell some of the best stories, though one can never be sure if the stories are true or not. My mother’s people are Romani more commonly known as the Gypsies. Her people have crafted stories for over a millennia. I was bound to be an author.I was about 14, when they thought they figured out why I was failing in math and English. They thought I was a slow learner, so into slower classes I went. I was much more advanced than those I was in class with. In reality I am Dyslexic/Dyscalculus which means simply that I learn different and I am horrible with written grammar. Yet, I love to write. I was told by my 8th grade English teacher to give up writing and have babies it was my only salvation, I was 13. He then took one of my poems and published it in a poetry book under his daughter’s name.I dropped out of high school in 10th grade. I struggled and I could not hold a job, and at 22 I gave birth to my salvation, my daughter. If it was not for her I would not be alive. For the next 6 years I put my life in order and started on the road to adulthood. I took my GED, and then went to community college; I had to drop out before I had my degree. I was working full time in a job I hated but I was becoming an adult. I have gone on to finish my Associates Degree and I am now working on my Bachelors in anthropology at almost fifty.In 1999 I published a poem on a poetry site and I received a special accolade for that particular poem. I had to stifled my muse by 2002 buried it deep inside me. I had to live in the real world and poets do not make money. In 2010 I was unemployed and began to write again, the story was fairly simple and had lots of plot twists and even more typo’s and grammar goofs than I had imagined, but the story was good. I had friends and family editing my book, I suppose they got some of it right. So I published it on an indie book site. Well over the two years I started writing again.This time, I have a book with strong characters, a good plot, and better than that fairly good grammar. I found a process that works for me. I cannot read my mistakes but boy can I hear them, painstakingly I listened to my book sentence by sentence and made the corrections. Corrections my proof readers did not find nor did my beta readers. I am proud to say that without a copy editor I have managed to get the book presentable and out for sale.I hope you enjoy reading my new release The Shadows of Light: The Darkness Within. Thank you for reading my bio.view less