"Well," I said doubtfully, "I suppose I *could*."
"Of course you could."
"Only I don't quite know how to set about it."
"There's a good precedent for that. Begin at the beginning, go on to the e...view more"Well," I said doubtfully, "I suppose I *could*."
"Of course you could."
"Only I don't quite know how to set about it."
"There's a good precedent for that. Begin at the beginning, go on to the end, and then leave off."
From Agatha Christie's "Murder in Mesopotamia," 10th Dell Paperback edition, 1979, p. 11
To cut a long story short, I always wanted to write a book, but I didn't know if I could. Events conspired to give me time, and I sat down and did it. Here it is. I hope you enjoy it.view less