Recently I’ve felt like screaming and figuratively pulling my hair out when confronted with the clutter that has piled up in my living room and on the kitchen bench.
The open-plan space has been doubling as a home office and it’s literally been doing my head in. When I’m home I’ve found myself walking around in circles and unfocused, which is not how I like to be, so a few weeks ago I took remedial action by making a commitment to declutter.
Now, anyone who knows me and the Enting side of the family will know that decluttering doesn’t come naturally.
As a family we are overly sentimental and we like stuff, and by stuff we mean good stuff like old books and possessions that have meaning. For example, my mother was a potter and I find it practically impossible to part with anything she has made, even if it is a wonky cup. She was a very talented potter and most of her work outstanding, so perhaps I can let go of the cup…
It was time for me to take action!
What followed was a very gratifying weekend sorting the spice cupboard, investing in a space-saving revolving spice rack and gaining space in the cupboard for the pile of cookbooks cluttering up an area under the kitchen bench.
I also did a wardrobe edit, where I pulled absolutely everything out and did the Marie Kondo thing – did it bring me joy? Did I still fit it? And would I still wear it?
It was a wonderful feeling donating several bags of good quality clothing to the local hospice shop and to now have breathing space between the hangers.
And I felt as if I could breathe