Mother & Baby India

Sibling Revelry

Introducing a new addition to your family is a very exciting time. But it can also be quite nerve wracking! As a mum, you’re probably plagued with many thoughts—“I can’t possibly love another as much as I love my first!”; “Will I be able to manage both children?”; “How can I help them avoid sibling rivalry?”

These are all very common worries, however, we can assure you that you will be able to love equally and manage both (or more!). Moreover, your child will adjust to the changes and the bond that siblings have is beyond worth it. However, there are a

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Mother & Baby India
EDITORIAL Editor Swati Chopra Vikamsey [email protected] HEAD - DESIGN & PRODUCTION Ravi Parmar ART DIRECTOR Vishakha Khanolkar Palav PICTURES DESK Dipak Gaykar PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Dinesh Bhajnik STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Mahesh Re

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