“Intuitive movement is about giving your body what it wants and needs through tuning into your body’s sensations. What would you like to do today? Where can you feel tension in your body that you could attend to? ”
Ruth Allen
If we understand that movement is life, then we can also recognise that movement is not about calorie-burning, body shaping, goal-achieving or even simple athleticism.
All of these things may really work for you, but none of them encompass the true essence of movement. Moving is about being alive; and being alive is about vitality, reducing suffering, embracing joy (among many other things).
If we cannot separate movement from achievement, then we will be shackled to the idea that movement should look and feel a certain way, that it is perhaps a punishment, that it is something to suffer. Movement is about finding a way of being in your body that is joyful, nourishing, supportive, caring, confident, magnetic. It is about something that feels good for you and that supports your sense of ‘aliveness’ or vitality.
We also need to recognise that