Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
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Volume 0483
 A Collector's Hypertexted and Annotated Storehouse of Encyclopedic Resources
Fred J. Arting McClurg: Tarzan of the Apes - title page silhouette ,

Larger 1st Edition DJ
Larger 1st Edition Cover  ::  Alternate
G&D Colour Adaptation of 1st Ed.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series #1 ~ Joe Jusko Cover art
Tarzan of the Apes
Covers ~ Publishing History ~ Summary
Cast ~ Chapter Titles ~ Lord Greystoke's Cover Art Gallery
See Part II: Japanese Edition Art . . . and more
See Part III: Multi-Media
See Part IV:  Newspaper Serial Art
Read the entire novel online in our e-Text edition 

Fred W. Small art: Headpiece from the original appearance of Tarzan of the Apes in All-Story

Ed completes Tarzan of the Apes: May 14 - 10:25 p.m. ~ (Heins word count in 1st edition publication: 98,000)
All-Story Magazine: October 1912
    Clinton Pettee: cover ~ Fred W. Small: b/w title headpiece
    The Oct. 1912 issue of The All-Story was copyrighted and put on sale on Sept. 10, 1912.
A. C. McClurg: 1914 ~ Prepublication paperback review edition
A. C. McClurg: 1914 ~ published in "three states" ~ 400 pages ~ 1st Ed. Print Run: 10,000 ~ Total: 641,000
    Fred J. Arting: DJ wraparound with b/w silhouette version for title page
A. L. Burt: 1915-1928 ~ many reprints with many variations in binding and DJs
Grosset & Dunlap: 1927
    Fred J. Arting: adaptation of 1st edition DJ possibly by Paul Stahr
Best Stories of All Time Magazine: 1926: Aug/Sept, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1927: Jan, Feb., Mar., Apr.
    No illlustrations
Big Little Book: Whitman Publishing: 1933 ~ 320 pages
    Juanita Bennett: cover and 307 interiors
Whitman Publishing: 1935 ~ much abridged give-away version with 48 stapled pages
Grossett & Dunlap: 1940 ~ 392 pages
    Fred J. Arting: earlier colour adaptation of 1st ed. DJ and no frontispiece
Armed Services Edition: 1940 ~ small pocket sized paperback with 351 pages
    Unknown cover artist and no interiors
Grosset & Dunlap: 1943 ~ Madison Square Wartime edition ~ 1943 ~ 314 pages
    Fred J. Arting colour adaptation cover ~ St. John Golden Lion title page decoration
Grosset & Dunlap: 1960
    Gerald McCann: DJ cover ~ no other illustrations
Ballantine Books paperback: July 1963 ~ 219 pages
    Richard Powers cover
Whitman: 1964 ~ unabridged 285 pages
    Al Anderson: illustrated pictorial boards cover and interiors ~ Jesse Marsh interiors
Ballantine Books paperback: (TV series tie-in edition) August 1966
     Ron Ely photograph cover
Grosset & Dunlap: 1967 ~ 314 pages
    Gerald McCann illustration painted on board cover ~ decorated title page but no interiors
Ballantine Books paperback: April 1969 ~ 245 pages
    Robert Abbett cover
Grosset & Dunlap: 1973
    George Gross: illustrated board cover ~ decorated title page
Ballantine Books paperback: April 1975
    Neal Adams cover
Ballantine Books paperback: January 1976 "Ballantine Special Book Club Edition)
    Neal Adams cover
Buccaneer Books: 1977 ~ no DJ or interiors
Random House: 1982 adaptation ~ 94 pages
    Tim Gaydos board cover and interior illustrations
Random House: 1982 ~ paperback edition of above
Random House: December 1983 ~ 104 pages
    Charles Ren pictorial boards cover ~ no interiors
Random House: 1983 ~ paperback version of above
Ballantine Books 20th reprint: Dec.1983 Greystoke movie tie-in ~ 245 pages
    Charles Ren cover
Ballantine Books paperback: May 1988
    Neal Adams cover reprinted
Ballantine/Del Rey paperback: September 1990
    Barclay Shaw cover
Avenal: 1988: Anthology of four titles ~ 848 pages
    Contains pulp version of TA plus Son of Tarzan, Tarzan at the Earth's Core and Tarzan Triumphant
    J. Allen St. John DJ (Tarzan at the Earth's Core painting) ~ Estaban Maroto: four TA interiors
New American Library Signet paperback: March 1990 ~ 288 pages
    Thomas Baines cover painting ~ Intro: Gore Vidal "Tarzan Revisited" article 1963
Penguin Books: 1990 ~ 286 pages
    McClurg silhouette cover used on cover and frontispiece ~ Intro and Notes: John Seelye
Random House: 1991
    Kenneth E. Laager cover
Book of the Month Club Edition: July 1995 ~ 784 pages
    TA and Return of Tarzan combined in one edition ~ Photos of early G&D editions on DJ
Easton Press: 1995 Masterpieces of Science Fiction edition ~ 252 pages
    Leather DJ ~ Kent Bash frontispiece ~ Intro: George T. McWhorter
First Edition Library: 1998 reproduction of McClurg first edition in slipcase
    Fred J. Arting: DJ wraparound with b/w silhouette version for title page
Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series: December 2019 ~ Joe Jusko Cover art
For detailed information, see Robert B. Zeuschner's
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography (ERB, Inc., 2016).
Click on or call 214-405-6741 to order a copy.
The Tarzan Series
Art by Paul PriviteraTarzan is the son of a British Lord and Lady who were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers. When Tarzan was a year old, his mother died of natural causes, and his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe into which Tarzan was adopted. Tarzan's tribe of apes is known as the Mangani, Great Apes of a species unknown to science. Kala is his ape mother. Tarzan (White-skin) is his ape name; his English name is John Clayton, Lord Greystoke (the formal title is Viscount Greystoke according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, non-canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke). In fact, Burroughs, as narrator of Tarzan of the Apes, describes both Clayton and Greystoke as fictitious names � implying that, within the fictional world that Tarzan inhabits, he may have a different real name.

As a young adult, Tarzan meets a young American woman, Jane Porter, who along with her father and others of their party is marooned at exactly the same spot on the African coast where Tarzan's parents were twenty years earlier. When she returns to America, he leaves the jungle in search of her, his one true love. In later books, Tarzan and Jane marry and he lives with her for a time in England. They have one son, Jack, who takes the ape name Korak ("the Killer"). Tarzan is contemptuous of the hypocrisy of civilization, and he and Jane return to Africa, making their home on an extensive estate that becomes a base for Tarzan's later adventures.

In Tarzan, Burroughs created an extreme example of a hero figure largely unalloyed with character flaws or faults. He is described as being Caucasian, extremely athletic, tall, handsome, and tanned, with grey eyes and black hair. Emotionally, he is courageous, loyal and steady. He is intelligent and learns new languages easily. He is presented as behaving ethically, at least by Burroughs' definitions, in most situations, except when seeking vengeance under the motivation of grief, as when his ape mother Kala is killed in Tarzan of the Apes, or when he believes Jane has been murdered in Tarzan the Untamed. He is deeply in love with his wife and totally devoted to her; in numerous situations where other women express their attraction to him, Tarzan politely but firmly declines their attentions. When presented with a situation where a weaker individual or party is being preyed upon by a stronger foe, Tarzan invariably takes the side of the weaker party. In dealing with other men Tarzan is firm and forceful. With male friends he is reserved but deeply loyal and generous. As a host he is likewise generous and gracious. As a leader he commands devoted loyalty.

In contrast to these noble characteristics, Tarzan's philosophy embraces an extreme form of "return to nature". Although he is able to pass within society as a civilized individual, he prefers to "strip off the thin veneer of civilization", as Burroughs often puts it.[6] His preferred dress is a knife and a loincloth of animal hide, his preferred abode is a convenient tree branch which happens to be nearby when he desires to sleep, and his favored food is raw meat, killed by himself; even better if he is able to bury it a week so that putrefaction has had a chance to tenderize it a bit.

Tarzan's primitivist philosophy was absorbed by countless fans, amongst whom was Jane Goodall, who describes the Tarzan series as having a major influence on her childhood. She states that she felt she would be a much better spouse for Tarzan than his fictional wife, Jane, and that when she first began to live among and study the chimpanzees she was fulfilling her childhood dream of living among the great apes just as Tarzan did.

Tarzan of the Apes
The novel tells the story of John Clayton, born in the western coastal jungles of equatorial Africa to a marooned couple from England, John and Alice (Rutherford) Clayton, Lord and Lady Greystoke. Adopted as an infant by the she-ape Kala after his parents died (his father is killed by the savage king ape Kerchak), Clayton is named "Tarzan" ("White Skin" in the ape language) and raised in ignorance of his human heritage. 

Feeling alienated from his peers due to their physical differences, he discovers his true parents' cabin, where he first learns of others like himself in their books, with which he eventually teaches himself to read.

On his return from one visit to the cabin, he is attacked by a huge gorilla which he manages to kill with his father's knife, although he is terribly wounded in the struggle. As he grows up, Tarzan becomes a skilled hunter, gradually arousing the jealousy of Kerchak, the ape leader.

Later, a tribe of black Africans settles in the area, and Kala is killed by one of its hunters. Avenging himself on the killer, Tarzan begins an antagonistic relationship with the tribe, raiding its village for weapons and practicing cruel pranks on them. They, in turn, regard him as an evil spirit and attempt to placate him.

The twelve short stories Burroughs wrote later and collected as Jungle Tales of Tarzan occur in the period immediately following the arrival of the natives, the killing of Kala, and Tarzan's vengeance. Finally Tarzan has amassed so much credit among the apes of the tribe that the envious Kerchak at last attacks him. In the ensuing battle Tarzan kills Kerchak and takes his place as "king" of the apes. Subsequently, a new party of whites is marooned on the coast, including Jane Porter, the first white woman Tarzan has ever seen. Tarzan's cousin, William Cecil Clayton, unwitting usurper of the ape man's ancestral English estate, is also among the party. Tarzan spies on the newcomers, aids them, and saves Jane from the perils of the jungle. Absent when they are rescued, he is introduced further into the mysteries of civilization by French Naval Officer Paul D'Arnot, whom he saves from the natives. D'Arnot teaches Tarzan French and how to behave among white men, as well as serving as his guide to the nearest colonial outposts.

Ultimately, Tarzan travels to Jane's native Baltimore, Maryland only to find that she is now in the woods of Wisconsin. Tarzan finally meets Jane in Wisconsin where they renew their acquaintance and he learns the bitter news that she has become engaged to William Clayton. Meanwhile, clues from his parents' cabin have enabled D'Arnot to prove Tarzan's true identity. Instead of claiming his inheritance, Tarzan chooses rather to conceal and renounce his heritage for the sake of Jane's happiness.

A page from that first-ever Tarzan story, written in Edgar Rice Burroughs' own hand.
You'll see that ERB originally christened his jungle character "Zantar," then "Tublat Zan," then, finally, "Tarzan"!
Note that "Bloomstoke" became "Greystoke."

ERB's Handwritten Manuscript page
All-Story Cover by Clinton Pettee
Artist Clinton Pettee


The story's title page shows that ERB submitted his work under the pseudonym "Normal Bean."
But when the story was printed in "The All-Story Magazine," October 1912,
a transcription error transformed Burroughs' pen name into "Norman Bean."

This is the last page of ERB's hand-written manuscript for Tarzan of the Apes.
Burroughs signs his name at the bottom along with the time and date of completion:
May 14, 1912 ~ 10:25 P.M.

Click to larger image  :: Alternate

Contract for Tarzan of the Apes
Chicago: April 13, 1914

Printed and typed contract between Edgar Rice Burroughs and A.C. McClurg & Co. for the book publication of Tarzan of the Apes, signed by Burroughs, Ogden S. McClurg (President of A.C. McClurg & Co.), and two witnesses. On the rectos of two sheets of legal-size paper, 13x8½.

Original signed agreement for the book publication of one of the most famous and influential literary creations of the 20th century, the first edition of Tarzan of the Apes. Though A Princess of Mars had been published in magazine form in the spring of 1912 (under the pseudonym of "Norman Bean), it was Tarzan, written during the first six months of 1912, and published complete in the October, 1912, issue of The All-Story, who was Burroughs' most famous and enduring character,  and the foundation of his enormous success.

 A year and a half later he signed this contract with McClurg for his first book publication, with many more to come. Upon this foundation was built his vast empire based upon books, films, radio programs, newspaper comic strips, and many advertising campaigns featuring Tarzan. Burroughs even lived in his own city, Tarzana, developed from the 540 acre ranch in the San Fernando Valley he purchased in 1919. ERB, as he became known to his many fans and readers, had come far since his struggles to support his family with myriad jobs and enterprises prior to his excursion into pulp literature. The contract itself is a standard agreement, McClurg to publish the manuscript in book form "at its own expense and in such style and manner and in such quantity as it deems most expedient," with plans to sell it at $1.25 per copy. Burroughs was to receive a royalty of 10% upon the first 5000 copies, 12½% upon the second 5000, and 15% thereafter (there were about 10,000 copies printed for McClurg in 1914). Burroughs was also to receive gratis 12 copies of the book, and he could purchase additional copies at a discount of 40% off the retail price. He was to be paid an advance of $250. This is the McClurg file copy of the contract, with "Original" written in pencil at the top of the first page, and docketed in ink on the back of the second page, "Tarzan of the Apes, Agreement with Edgar Rice Burroughs, April 30, 1914."

Old tape repairs to splits at the folds, with discoloration and bleeding from them, wear and tape stains to the lower edge of the first leaf, a few small edge chips, else very good, a landmark piece in the pantheon of Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle.

First Review of Tarzan of the Apes Book Release
New York Times 1914 
On Sunday, June 14, 1914, the New York Times mentioned Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan for the first time. 
"The New York Times Review of Books: 

One Hundred Books for Summer Reading" included ERB�s forthcoming TARZAN OF THE APES. Of course, TARZAN OF THE APES had appeared in "The All-Story" magazine in 1912, but the book was due for release on June 17, 1914.

The Times would publish a more formal (but hardly longer) review on July 5.

The Times paragraph suggested a certain skepticism: �The author has evidently tried to see how far he could go without exceeding the limits of possibility.� Nevertheless, there it is.

Submitted by Rick Barry

From the Pettee Sketchbook
All-Story October 1912 - Tarzan of the Apes
Click for full size
Methuen UK Edition
Methuen art courtesy J. G. Huckenpöhler: Huck's ERB Collector's Pocket Checklist
Clinton Pettee sketch from the Brian Bohnett Collection

Summary � (Ballantine Books Blurb)
Deep in the savage African jungle, the baby Tarzan was raised by a fierce she-ape of the tribe of Kerchak. There he had to learn the secrets of the wild to survive�how to talk with animals, swing through the trees, and fight against the great predators. He grew to the strength and courage of his fellow apes. And in time, his human intelligence promised him the kingship of the tribe. He became truly Lord of the Jungle. Then men entered his jungle, bringing with them the wanton savagery of civilized greed and  lust�and bringing also the first white woman Tarzan had ever seen. Now suddenly, Tarzan had to choose between two worlds.
Edgar Rice Burroughs'

I. Out to Sea
II. The Savage Home
III. Life and Death
IV. The Apes
V. The White Ape
VI. Jungle Battles
VII. The Light of Knowledge
VIII. The Tree-top Hunter
IX. Man and Man
X. The Fear-Phantom
XI. "King of the Apes"
XII. Man's Reason
XIII. His Own Kind
XIV. At the Mercy of the Jungle
XV.  The Forest God
XVI. "Most Remarkable"
XVII. Burials
XVIII. The Jungle Toll
XIX. The Call of the Primitive
XX. Heredity
XXI. The Village of Torture
XXII. The Search Party
XXIII. Brother Men
XXIV. Lost Treasure
XXV. The Outpost of the World
XXVI. The Height of Civilization
XVII. The Giant Again
XXVIII. Conclusion

CAST (in order of appearance)

John Clayton: Lord Greystoke, emissary to Africa
Alice Clayton: Lady Alice (Rutherford), his wife
Billings: Fuwalda Captain, murdered by mutineers
Black Michael: Fuwalda chief mutineer who maroons the Claytons
Tarzan: ("white skin"): Claytons' orphan, adopted son of ape Kala
Mbonga: king of the cannibals
Kulonga: Mbonga's son
Archimedes Q. Porter: Professor from Baltimore MD
Jane Porter: Professor Porter's daughter
Samuel T. Philander: Porter's secretary and assistant
William Cecil Clayton: Tarzan's cousin, suitor of Jane Porter
Esmeralda: Porters' maid
Hazel Strong: Jane's friend in Baltimore
Snipes: rat-faced chief mutineer from the Arrow
King: Arrow chief mutineer murdered by Snipes
Tarrant: mutineer from the Arrow
Paul d'Arnot: Lieutenant in the French navy
Charpentier: Lieutenant in the French navy
Dufranne: Captain in the French navy
Father Constantine: French missionary in Africa
Monsieur Desquerc: absent fingerprint expert
Robert Canler: Jane's unwanted suitor, her father's creditor
Tobey: Esmeralda's beau
Rev. Mr. Trousley: Wisconsin minister
Kerchak: King of the ape tribe of baby Tarzan
Tublat: ape chief after Kerchak
Kala: youngest mate of Tublat, Tarzan's mom
Terkoz: son of Tublat
Neeta: young ape previously drowned

Cast List Ref: Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia 

Letter to ERB Biographer H.H. Heins from Ballantine:
August 20, 1969
Albany, New York
Dear Rev. Heins:
TARZAN OF THE APES was reset in April, 1969, - the 5th printing. The Burroughs family requested that certain material be deleted. The book contained some material that would now be offensive to certain groups or nationalities and they felt that this should be removed from the book. In order to do this the book was set in a different type which accounts for the difference in page length.
Carole Showalter ~ Managing Editor
Ballantine Books
101 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY  1004


This is a copy of the inscription, in the form of a letter, which ERB presented to his wife Emma
when his first book, Tarzan of the Apes, arrived in the mail
from the Chicago A.C. McClurg publishers on June 10, 1914.
Unfortunately, this book was one of 26 rare and valuable copies stolen
on May 26, 1982 from the vaults at ERB, Inc. in Tarzana.


This is an inscription on Tarzan of the Apes, inscribed by Edgar Rice Burroughs to His Brother, Henry Studley Burroughs and Sister-in-Law.
Tarzan of the Apes. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1914. First edition, first issue (with no "acorn" device on the spine, and with the W. F. Hall imprint in Old English on the copyright page).
Inscribed by Burroughs on the front free endpaper (which is loose):
"To Henry Studley Burroughs/and his good wife, Ella/Frances Odhams, from/their low-brow brother,with/a bunch of love/Edgar Rice Burroughs".
Elsewhere in this book is a printed (silver gelatin) image of Tarzan and a group of apes mourning the death of an ape, signed by Burroughs' nephew (and frequent illustrator) Studley Oldham Burroughs ("S O Burroughs") affixed to the blank page facing page 1. Also with the bookplate of Ella Oldham Burroughs (Edgar Rice Burroughs' sister-in-law and Studley's mother) on the front pastedown.

A.L Burt Edition Inscribed by ERB to his Secretary, John Shea
"To John A. Shea, with best wishes from his friend always, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzana Ranch"

Tarzan of the Apes edition in Arabic inscribed by ERB

My Dear Dr. Rice -
I thought you might like this Arabic copy of Tarzan of the Apes for your library.
Sincerely, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Los Angeles ~ April 22, 1925

In the original Tarzan of the Apes appearance in All-Story pulp zine 2012
ERB mentions Tigers in Tarzan's Africa

Tarzan vs Tigers by Monte Moore

Lane Batot's Tiger Discussion

A much-asked question:
"Why Doesn't Tarzan Have A Beard"

Chapter 13: His Own Kind
e-Text edition (temporarily on hold)
"He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape.
Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, with very few exceptions.
True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, Tarzan was afraid. Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this degrading emblem of apehood.
And so he learned to shave--rudely and painfully, it is true--but, nevertheless, effectively."
The Post ~ February 1913

 I believe I have found the complete first book of "Tarzan of the Apes" serialized in "The Post" (I believe to be a Kentucky newspaper) from February of 1913.   It seems like a very early printing before the book was printed and I am not sure if it's worth anything or how to find details on worth?    The pages of the paper are all intact and nothing has been cut from the pages that were saved.    I am currently scanning the comic "Osgar Und Adolf" form some of the top of the pages and was wondering if anyone might know anything on a value of the Tarzan story or know someone who would? -Steve Cottle

Volume 2390

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Part I
See Part II
Companion Page at ERBzine 1602
Hal Foster - self-portrait

Neal Adams Ballantine Cover Art
From ERBzine 3610

Robert Abbett Ballantine Cover Art
From ERBzine 3351

Richard Powers Ballantine Cover Art
From ERBzine 1014
DC Tarzan 208DC Tarzan 209DC 210
Tarzan DC Comics ~ 207-210 ~ Origin of the Ape Man ~ Joe Kubert
ERB Comics Encyclopedia ~ Page DC1
GK 155
Gold Key 155

Gold Key 178
Tarzan of the Apes in Gold Key Comic155 and repeated in No. 178
Artist: Russ Manning ~ Script: Gaylord Dubois ~ Cover Art: George Wilson

From the Brian Bohnett Collection
Promotional Pin ~ 1989 Tarzana ECOF (Woodland Hills)

ERBzine 0420: Tarzan of the Apes in All-Story
ERBzine 0418: Tarak and the Jewels of Louisville

John Clayton, Lord Greystoke

Tarzan Book: Compilation of Foster adaptation stripsBig Little Book: Whitman Publishing: 1933 ~ 320 pagesArmed Services Edition: 1940 ~ small pocket sized paperback with 351 pageGrosset and Dunlap later edition

Whitman Edition

Random House edition 1982Dover Thrift edition
Ron Ely Ballantine August 1966Robert Abbett cover: Ballantine April 1969Robert Abbett cover: Ballantine 1972Richard Powers art: Ballantine 1963Neal Adams art: Ballantine 1980
Charles Ren art: Ballantine edition March 1984Barclay Shaw art: Del Rey edition 1993UK NEL 1975Flamingo edition 1972Thomas Baines art: Signet edition 1990Penguin edition ~ 1990

Tarzan of the Apes Cover art by Daryl Mandryk for Fall River edition

Click for large images
Newnes edition 1929UK Newnes EditionUK Goulden edition 1951

Edward Mortelmans art: Four Square UK 1964UK Four Square edition 1967
Green Dragon and 4 Square Editions (Edward Mortlemans Cover Art in 1 and 2)
Green Dragon Books were an imprint name of the Atlantic Book Publishing Co. Ltd.
created by Gordon Landsborough.
The Burroughs editions had cover art by Edward Mortelmans.
These editions were authorised abridged specifically for young children.
There were 8 Tarzan books (Jewels of Opar was spread across two volumes) and four Martian tales.
~ Laurence Dunn

Methuen Edition - Cover art by Walpole Champneys
Artist profile in ERBzine Art Encyclopedia


Illustrated by Motoichiro Takebe

Interior Art Gallery
There was no interior art in the original McClurg first edition.
Featured here four Esteban Maroto interiors from the 1988 Avenal omnibus edition
St. John DJ for the Avenal Anthology of four novels
Tarzan of the apes placed his foot upon the neck of his lifelong enemy and voiced the wild cry of his people.On many moonlit nights, Tarzan rode, perched high upon Tantor's mighty back.The infuriated beast, drawn upward and backward, struggled impotentlyHe took his woman in his arms
Featured in ERBzine 0483A is art from a Japanese book put out by Shogakukam publishers.
This profusely illustrated book from the Tom Lindgren Collection
has a slip jacket cover which inserts into a protective box cover housing.
See ERBzine 0483A

TARZAN OF THE APES 100th Anniversary Painting

Art by Joe Jusko

ERBzine 0483b

The Official Publication of The Burroughs Bibliophiles
New Series #3 :: July 1990 :: Pt. 1: Pages 1-23
BB Reprint Project Endorsed by the Editor and Publisher: George T. McWhorter

Edgar Rice Burroughs' TARZAN OF THE APES
Summary and Comments by John Martin
ERBzine 7001
Chapters 1-7
ERBzine 7002
Chapters 8-14
ERBzine 7003
Chapters 15-21
ERBzine 7004
Chapters 22-28

Read the entire novel online
in the e-Text edition

Click for full-size promo bars

Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series #1
Joe Jusko Cover & FP art
Foreword by Joe Jusko and Afterword by Scott Tracy Griffin

Web Refs
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Illustrated Bibliography
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
ERBList Summary Project by ERB Fans
J. Allen St. John Bio, Gallery & Links
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzine Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography

Fred W. Small art: Headpiece from the original appearance of Tarzan of the Apes in All-Story
Read the entire novel online in the e-Text edition
1. Bibliography Part I II. Japanese Edtion Art III. Multi Media Gallery IV. Newspaper Serial Art

ERBzine Weekly Webzine
The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERB Companion Sites Created by Bill Hillman

Danton Burroughs Website: Tarzana Treasure Vaults
ERBzine Weekly Webzine

Weekly Webzine
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute Site
Burroughs Bibliophiles

John Carter Film

Revised by ERB, Inc.
Revised by ERB, Inc.

Volume 0483

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