Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive
Volume 1775
The European Premiere of
Part I: The Journey
A Travel Memoir by 
Bill & Sue-On Hillman
Companion Site to 
Tarzan Holland Premiere

With Danton and the ERB, Inc. office staff
at the 2006 Tarzan premiere in New York
In one of our regular telephone chats with Danton Burroughs of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. in Tarzana, Dan asked if we'd like to attend the European premiere of Tarzan the Musical in The Netherlands. Thinking back to the excitement that surrounded the Tarzan Broadway premiere in May '06, we of course jumped at the chance. Tickets were very limited, however, and we�d have to get in touch immediately with Dusty Bennett of Thomas Schumacher's office - Disney Theatrical Productions, New York, in order to verify tickets.

We managed to procure an extra ticket for Netherlander, Ron de Laat, who has been such a major ERBzine contributor over the years and who is Webmaster of the Holland Meets ERB Website. Later, Danton had to relinquish his ticket for health reasons and offered it to Burroughs Bibliophile chairman, Laurence Dunn of the UK, who would meet us at the theatre.

The flights were booked, and hotels sorted out via the internet and on Sunday, May 9, we drove the 200 km from our Brandon home to Winnipeg International Airport. Along the way we delivered our latest Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association submission to the new editor -- fellow Manitoban, Ray Cuthbert.

Through the years we have had the pleasure of meeting ERB fans from all over the world but surprisingly we had never met Ray who, relatively speaking, is our next-door-neighbour. Ray had graciously invited us to a supper meeting at Red Lobster Restaurant not far from the airport. Great meal . . . great visit . . . and a constant barrage of topics that only an ERB fan could appreciate. The photo of the meeting shows JoN in his travel uniform . . . his 50-pound photographer's vest with a zillion pockets of all sizes that carry four types of currency, credit cards, cameras, ID, toiletries, food, hat, books, and survival gear for every expected emergency. (It also attracted teams of armed airport security guards who looked upon the garment with great suspicion.)  We parted with mutual promises to meet on a regular basis and prepared to embark on the flight that would take us to Toronto, London and Amsterdam.

The flight for the most part was uneventful, but the maze of canals over polder land and brilliant welcome mats of tulips, hyacinth, and daffodils in full bloom clearly announced that we had arrived in the Netherlands, at Schiphol /Amsterdam  Airport. This, a city within a city � is full of shops, restaurants, bars, and a central train terminal by which you can travel to other cities and European countries.
Schiphol Airport
Amsterdam is like no other city we have ever visited. The streets are arranged in concentric circles, ordered by canals and polders (reclaimed land). Unusual street names had us literally walking around in circles as we tried to find our hotel. Amazingly, everyone we met spoke fluent English and finally, directions from a postman led us to The Falcon Plaza Centre Hotel, where we were to stay for the first four days.
The city is amazing � full of incredible architecture, history, and of course, canals and tulips. Around every turn is something that we�ve read about, seen in movies, or viewed on television. For four full days, we explored by foot, by doubledecker tour bus, and canal boats.
China Palace . . .  from a Dutch Canal Boat
China Palace?. . . in Amsterdam?
Highlights included the many giant posterboards announcing Tarzan the Musical on lamp posts, Keukenhof Gardens with its massive floral displays and conservatories; the canal cruise, followed by a tour of Ann Frank's house; the drinking tour of Heineken brewery; the vast park and buildings of Museumplein, the infamous "red light" district; the day-long tour of  the windmill village, Edam cheese factory, the clog factory, Delft factory, the resort village of Volkendam followed by a ferry ride to Makken Island. (For more photos see the accompanying photo galleries next week)

Imelda Marcos 
would be envious

Anne Frank


Keukenhof Gardens Windmill

Are you sure this is the "Red Light District"?

"Gotta smuggle these back to my Amtorian Gardens"

JoN with a live Barsoomian warrior on Dam Square
Saturday afternoon took us to The Hague. It was a ride through embassy row, past the parliament and judicial buildings, and other famous landmarks before the short trip to Schevinengen and Tarzan's European home -- the Fortis CircusTheatre

Tarzan the Musical in Holland

The European Premiere of
A Travel Memoir by 
Bill & Sue-On Hillman
Part I: The Journey | More Pics
Part II: The Premiere | Pics 1 | Pics 2
Part III: Long Journey Home
More Pics
Tarzan the Musical
Special Holland Reports
1. Pre-Production
2. Newspaper Review and
Official Press Photos
3. Souvenir Swag
4. Reviews | Dunn Report
Tarzan the Musical On Broadway, NY
Tarzine: Official Monthly Webzine of ERB, Inc.
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute Site
Official Burroughs Bibliophiles Site
ERBzine Weekly Webzine
The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs

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