Shikohabad city is governed by Municipal Corporation and is situated in Uttar Pradesh State/UT.
The current estimate population of Shikohabad city in 2025 is
, while Shikohabad metro population is estimated at
. The last census was conducted in 2011 and the schedule census for Shikohabad city in 2021 was postponed due to Covid. The current estimates of Shikohabad city are based on past growth rate. Once govt conducts census for Shikohabad city, we will update the same here in 2025.
As per provisional reports of Census India, population of Shikohabad in 2011 is 107,404.
Shikohabad Literacy Rate and Sex Ratio
In education section, total literates in Shikohabad city are 75,113 of which 41,847 are males while 33,266 are females. Average literacy rate of Shikohabad city is 80.03 percent of which male and female literacy was 84.82 and 74.72 percent.
The sex ratio of Shikohabad city is 891 per 1000 males. Child sex ratio of girls is 817 per 1000 boys.
Shikohabad Slum Population
Total no. of Slums in Shikohabad city numbers 6,753 in which population of 39,826 resides. This is around 37.08% of total population of Shikohabad city.
Shikohabad Religion
Hinduism is majority religion in Shikohabad city with 79.71 % followers.
Islam is second most popular religion in city of Shikohabad with approximately 18.38 % following it.
In Shikohabad city, Christinity is followed by 0.16 %, Jainism by 1.19 %, Sikhism by 0.38 % and Buddhism by 0.07 %. Around 0.00 % stated 'Other Religion', approximately 0.11 % stated 'No Particular Religion'.