Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Its all about the number 2!

So much is happening in my sewing room at the moment.  I am part way through custom order quilts for two new impending arrivals - twins - just two cute!

A safari jungle theme for this little pair.

Two quilt tops all ready for sandwiching, quilting and binding.

I have had not one but two projects featured in this months issue of Handmade - a pincushion and beaded fabric necklace.  These were part of a feature on Fete sewing gifts and projects.

It is always super exciting to see projects you have worked on, on the pages of magazines.  

With all the other projects I am working on at the moment being kept under wraps I thought I would share the colour inspiration for one of the projects - these beautiful Sulky Rayon threads. 

It make me smile as I sew.

Jemima x 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shop Update. Getting ready for Christmas!

It is never too early to be getting organised for Christmas.  While it may only be August I am busy sewing up many Personalised Christmas Santa Sacks already.

There are five characters to choose from - Father Christmas, Snowman, Gingerbread Man, Reindeer or Christmas Tree.

If you are keen to place an order all you need to do is drop me an email at [email protected].  I have an album over at my Facebook page with all the fabrics you have to choose from.  I only order small amounts of fabrics to keep the Christmas Sacks as individual as each child.

I have also listed this fun and funky Animals Quilt in my Etsy Store- a great Cot size quilt or quilt for snuggling under.  

This bright quilt would make a great gift for a Nursery or little man.

I have also been sewing up some Hairclip Hangers.  There are some bright and colourful Butterflies, Babushkas and Rainbows.  Hairclip Hangers are a great way to organise all those hair clips into pairs and in one system so you can find them when you need them.  These have also been listed in my Etsy Store.

Jemima x 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

This weeks stitching!

It seems as though people are starting to think about Christmas.  Here is a custom order Santa Sack for a new arrival to go along side her big brothers for Santa to fill.  I have hand stitched it using blanket stitch to complete this Santa Sack.  (This is the larger Hand stitched Santa Sack that I make) I love Christmas, so for me it is never too early to get stitching for the festive season.

A finished quilt for a little lady with a sweet Babushka Doll all stitched by hand.

Shop Update : now listed in my Etsy Shop is this brightly candy coloured little girls quilt.  I have used the stripe fabric as colour inspiration in the quilt and for the binding.  I created the hand stitched Babushka Doll to compliment the colours and to give a special touch of handmade.  

You can this quilt listed here - Babushka Doll Patchwork Quilt

And because finishing one quilt definitely means you can start another right!  Well here is a new quilt top - this time for a little man.  Quilt top all done now time to sandwich it, quilt it then bind.

You can see what we got up to at our latest Sew Along Workshop here at the Sew Along Blog.  

These Scrap Rugs have created great interest and we had a great afternoon teaching this "no sewing" project.

Jemima x 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Liberty Treasure

A while ago I posted about all the beautiful Liberty Fabrics that I had been collecting to make a quilt for myself.  Truth be told the collection continued to grow not only because I love the intricacy of all the details in the fabrics but also because I was really waiting to be a "good" enough sewer to be worthy of cutting into such prized fabrics. 
Taking pictures of the quilt proved far more difficult than I thought and that is why although I finished the quilt a few weeks ago I have not been able to take any good pictures of it - so taking advantage of a perfect sunny winter's day I set out to the Church grounds in Guildford that I knew might provide a beautiful backdrop for some photos of the quilt.

The finished quilt measures 2.15m x 2.20m

I love putting detail into the back of the quilt - so with the inclusion of a pieced backing in the Pattern I knew that I needed to spend the extra time sewing this in as well.


I am so pleased with this quilt - it is very busy with all the detail of squares in squares but with Pink as the underlying colour theme I think it comes together.  There are even a few pieces of Vintage Liberty gifted to me from a special friend.

When it came to the quilting it took some time to choose a pattern that worked well with the more traditional pieces of Liberty fabrics alongside the bright and bold modern pieces.  I went with a design which had both loops and a modern style flower.  I knew that the quilting would not be a feature on the front of the quilt due to the busy nature of all the fabrics but it is ever so sweet on the back against the white fabric.


Jemima x 
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