I basically grew up around dirt track racing my entire life, attending racing events all over California and Oregon since I was only a few months old. Now, I wish to break tradition in several ways and be on the race track instead of sitting in the grand stands as well as break the mold by being a geek inside a race car instead of a motor head. Thus, the birth of ”Black Viper Racing” and ”The Racing Tech”. I cannot do this alone, however, so I need your support!
Sponsorship Information
Individuals and businesses/companies may become a sponsor of my efforts to get out there on the dirt track. More information is included on how to become a sponsor as well as current sponsors for the 2011 season.
The Car
The car is not a “race car”, exactly, but will be on the track for special events called “Run What You Brung”. Read more…
Black Viper Racing on the Dirt Track
For the 2011 season, I plan on getting out on the track at Yreka, California’s Siskiyou Motor Speedway and racing the dirt oval. Initially, I have only a street “run what you brung” car and not an official “race” car, but I have to start somewhere. Future plans include getting myself into a “Modified” class race car and really tearing up the dirt like only a geek can. Photo’s from the most recent Mountain Modified Challenge are located in this gallery.
Coming Soon:
- Photo Gallery: Pictures of the entire build up process of The Car.
- Current and upcoming plans: To include what I want done before the season starts as well as where I am looking at in the future as “The Racing Tech”.