Collaborate better with instant Slack notifications
Respond to invites, view comments and be on top of any changes made by collaborators on your shared presentations. With the + Slack integration, you can receive realtime messages in Slack about your presentations.
Automatically sync team conversations
View any comments, questions, or feedback that is added to your shared slides.
Realtime updates so you never miss anything
Whenever a slide is edited, added, moved, or removed you’ll get notified. Always be in the know when a presentation theme is changed.
Manage permissions and accept invitations
Be notified when someone shares a presentation with you, invites you to collaborate on a presentation, or join a team.
Connect to Slack from
Instantly communicate updates and conversations. Stay on track with latest changes on your presentations.
Try Pro1
Sign in to your Pro account to enable Slack notifications
Allow to access your Slack workspace
You’re all set. You will start getting notifications from
These are just our first steps towards integrating with the world of other products and tools used for productivity. Are there other tools you’d like to see integrated with Drop us a line and let us know at [email protected].