Here's a super-easy project that will get you going if you've never worked with wire before! You might also like it, even if you are an old pro, just to use up some spectacular beads you've got left over. I was going to use my own lampwork beads, but then I remembered that I had these beauties sitting on my shelf. They're from Maruti Beads.
1. Cut two pieces of wire and form into an overlapping circle. It doesn't really matter how big...just size them to be in proportion with the bead you've chosen. I used 16 gauge sterling silver wire, but you can use craft wire if you'd prefer...just keep it in a heavy gauge.
2. File the ends and turn a loop on each with round nose pliers, with both loops facing up.
3. Using flat nose or chain nose pliers, bend each loop up to a 45 degree angle, more or less and spread the circle to fit the beads.
4. Optional step: texture the wire with a ball peen hammer, avoiding the loops. Don't do this if you've used coated craft wire...the coating might crack and flake off.
5. Using a small gauge of wire that will fit the end caps, slide a short length through the bead and the two loops, and glue a memory wire end cap on each end. Repeat for the other earring. I used G-S hypo tube cement, but you can also use resin.
6. I am not satisfied with the earring findings that I added now that I look at them again. I'm going to make shepherd's hooks and replace them ASAP!
Copyright 2013 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.
Technorati Tags: bead embroidery,handmade beaded jewelry,wearable art,beads,jewelry,necklace,mixed media,beading