Our Supporters
For over ten years, BAND has been working to encourage dialogue among Black artists, cultural workers and the larger society to inspire, enlighten and educate through the arts. Our supporters through donations and partnerships make it possible for us to continue to deliver exhibitions and programming in keeping with our mission and vision.
Scotiabank has been essential in our core operations , and our program delivery since 2014. And with the generous support of Scotiabank, BAND was able to acquire 19 Brock Ave., our permanent home, in 2016.
With their help BAND presents exhibitions, talks, and live arts; supports the professional development of artists' and cultural workers; and provides the public with meaningful opportunities to engage with the black arts and culture.
Our Supporters
Our work is supported through TD’s corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment and the Arts & Culture or Criminal Justice Grant from Black Opportunity Fund. Through The Ready Commitment platform, TD is helping to open doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow. To learn more about The Ready Commitment, please visit td.com/vibrantplanet.
With the support of Canada Cultural Spaces Fund and the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative and Scotiabank, we are maximizing the footprint of our little house from the basement to the attic. The project involves retrofitting the old building to reconfigure the exhibition spaces allowing for more accessible gallery space, multipurpose community spaces, and to create artists' studio and workshop spaces.
We would like to acknowledge funding support from:
Special Project Funders
BAND is supported through the RBC Emerging Artists which supports organizations that provide the best opportunity to advance an artist’s career trajectory in genres such as visual arts, music, theatre, dance, literature and film.
BAND is supported by the City of Toronto to present special public art projects.
BAND is supported by Black Opportunity Fund and TD Ready Commitment.
BAND is supported by the Canadian Council for the Arts.
BAND’s Live Arts programming is supported by the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF).
In Kind Support
Urban Strategies® is a global urban design and planning consultancy. The team there has be integral to moving our building project at 19 Brock Ave forward.
Altus Group has been supporting BAND through managing the building at 19 Brock. They will be key in helping us reduce our risks and achieve outsized returns.