We uncover the truth and hold the powerful to account.
Do you believe we have a shared humanity and a shared responsibility for what goes on in the world, despite what politicians tell us?
If you do, then you’re one of us.
Our unwavering belief in the power of people united has brought about real change, stretching across every corner of the world. Thanks to years of support from committed supporters like you, the death penalty is abolished in most countries, dangerous spyware used to target activists has been uncovered and seemingly untouchable tyrants have been made to answer for their crimes.
Who is Amnesty International?
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone. United by our shared humanity, we know that the power to create positive change is within all of us.
We are funded by members and people like you. We are independent of any political ideology, economic interest or religion. We stand with victims of human rights violations whoever they are, wherever they are.
No government is beyond scrutiny. We uncover the truth. We hold human rights violators to account.
Be part of a global movement for human rights
Become a member today
Our mission and statute
We have a vision of a world where everyone can enjoy the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights mechanisms. To achieve this vision, our mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of these rights.
Our core values are rooted in our commitment to the global community of human rights defenders that make up our membership:
- International solidarity
- Effective action for the individual victim
- Global coverage
- Universality and indivisibility of human rights
- Impartiality and independence
- Democracy and human rights
For more information on our statute and mission
Read the full statute
Our strategic plan
Our offices across the globe are guided by a shared strategic plan that establishes key priorities and values that empower us to work together more effectively.
The current Global Strategic Framework covers our work from 2022 to 2030. It designates key human rights priorities, common lenses that we apply across all work and core capabilities that we rely on to remain effective.
Our human rights priorities
Priority 1 – Freedom of expression and civic space
- 1.1 – Strengthening freedom of expression and association
- 1.2 – Securing the right to peaceful assembly for all
Priority 2 – Equality and non-discrimination
- 2.1 – Promoting gender, racial and intersectional justice
- 2.2 – Strengthening enjoyment of rights to health, housing and social security
- 2.3 – Securing climate justice
- 2.4 – Protecting the rights of refugees and migrants and the rights of people on the frontlines of crises
Flexible areas of work
In addition to work on Global Priorities 1 and 2, Amnesty International entities may dedicate up to 20% of its resource to work on Flexible Areas of Work – human rights issues chosen in response to other pressing local human rights concerns, for example ending the death penalty, access to justice and redress, and preventing human rights abuse within the criminal justice system.
Common lenses
In all the work that we do, whether under the Global Priorities or flexible areas of work, Amnesty will analyse, plan and evaluate our human rights work through the following common lenses:
- Individuals and communities at risk – Working with and for individuals and communities at direct risk of human rights violations.
- Intersectionality, gender-mainstreaming and anti-racism – Focus strongly on people subjected to structural discrimination on multiple and intersecting grounds, including, among others, the grounds of gender identity, race, ethnicity, class and other forms of social origin, caste, First Nations/Indigenous identity and sexual orientation. Analyse the human rights implications of discrimination and clearly incorporate the findings into documentation, recommendations and campaign demands.
- Corporate accountability, including for the technology sectors – Analyse the roles of corporate actors and, on that basis, work to ensure states legislate mandatory human rights due diligence requirements for corporations, hold them accountable for their part in human rights abuses, and provide remedy to their victims.
Strengthening Amnesty’s capabilities
Within the period of the Strategic Framework 2022-2030, in support of its human rights priorities, Amnesty will strengthen and evolve our ability to deliver human rights change, as follows:
Stakeholders perspective
What do we need to do with our stakeholders to achieve our outcomes?
- Acting in solidarity with individuals and communities facing human rights challenges and supporting their demands
- Influencing and enabling duty bearers to uphold their obligations legally and in practice
- Influencing and enabling corporates to limit the negative impacts on human rights and explore different ways of engaging
Capabilities perspective
How will we innovate and invest to engage our stakeholders?
- Mobilizing human rights education
- Enhancing human rights research
- Delivering compelling state and corporate advocacy
- Strengthening Amnesty people powered movement and visibility
- Enhancing our work with partners
Internal Processes and Learning Perspective
What will help us engage our stakeholders?
- Grounding our work on international human rights law and Amnesty policies
- Strengthening our movement by improving our infrastructure and processes
- Investing in the well-being of our members and staff and in equality and inclusion
- Increasing and improving our understanding of impact and evidence-based decision making
Financial Perspective
How can we sustain and increase our resources?
- Growing our resources and income to be financially sustainable based on our values.
You can find more information about how Amnesty finances work in our Strategic Framework on our finances page.
Global priorities
Freedom of expression and civic space and Equality and nondiscrimination
Flexible areas
Other relevant and emerging human rights issues
Read the full 2022-2030 Strategic Framework
How are we governed?
Amnesty International runs on people power.
We are a democratic organization which means that we are governed by individual members like you. Every year, representatives from over 60 countries attend a Global Assembly to vote on decisions that guide the Amnesty movement. These decisions include the selection of the International Board.
As an Amnesty member, you can participate in local conferences, events and elections organized by your country office.
If you live in a country that does not have an Amnesty office, you can join as an international member.
How are we financed?
Our deeply held core principles of impartiality, independence and accuracy underpin all we do. This is built on an understanding that all human rights must be respected together if we are to achieve a world free from fear and want.
We are independent of any institution, ideology, economic interest, and religion. Our only interest is in achieving human rights for all.
Find more information on how Amnesty is funded
Learn more about Amnesty’s leadership
Amnesty International Charity is a company registered in England & Wales, limited by guarantee (no. 02007475) and a registered charity (no. 294230), with registered office at 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0DW. The charity is a subsidiary of Amnesty International Limited.