Date Archives 2019
Advanced Pets
I’ve been looking through my archives and trying to figure out what my next project will be. Here are some of my favorite shots of some fashionable men and women and their fabulous furry friends. If you know of anyone who would be a great addition to Advanced Pets please send me an email [email protected] or tag me @advancedstyle with the #advancedpets on instagram. I’m just in the research phase of this new project and continuing to do signings for Advanced Love, so apologies in advance if I can’t get back to everyone right away. I hope you like these wonderful pet owners as much as I do!
Advanced Bffs: Florence and Sally
Sally and her gorgeous 100-year-old mother Florence attended my Advanced Love book signing in Denver last week!
The Style Crone, Denver
Judith Boyd, The Style Crone, on her way to our Advanced Love book signing in Denver!