Reseller Program

Become an ADrive Reseller in Seconds and Start Earning Some Serious Cash Selling ADrive to Your Customers

ADrive's Reseller Program allows you to sell all of ADrive's Product & Services and instantly earn cash for every user you sign up for the life of the account! There is no sign-up fee to be an ADrive Reseller and you can easily track and manage your users using the ADrive Reseller Console.

It's easy to get started - simply create a new account and go to the Reseller Program Signup.

After sign-up, you will be provided a unique Reseller ID to embed in any URL or banner ad. When a user follows that link and registers with ADrive they will be marked as resold by you. Every Personal Premium or Business Plan user that signs up using your unique Reseller ID will earn you a percentage of every payment they make to ADrive for the life of the account and this percentage goes up as you sign up more users!

Once you start earning commissions we will immediately begin sending a monthly payment to you by PayPal or by check and this will continue as long as you have active users making payments. That's it! There is no cost to be a Reseller and you don't even need to have a Personal Premium account yourself!

Resellers can earn the following commissions on all payments received by ADrive for users you sign up for Personal Premium or Business accounts.

Revenue Reseller Percentage
$0 - $250,000 10%
$250,000 - $500,000 15%
$500,000 - $1,000,000 20%
Over $1,000,000 25%
Already an ADrive user and want to be a Reseller?
Reseller Program Signup.
Not an ADrive user and want to be a Reseller?
Go to Sign Up and choose one of our Personal Premium, Business or Basic accounts.
Log into the account and go to Reseller Program Signup.