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In this article, I have compared Ja'far Nekonam 's views on the interpretation of the scientific statements of the Qur'an with traditionalists such as Mohammad Ali Rezaee Isfahani who believe in the Scientific Miracle in the Qur'an.
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    • the scientific miracles found in the Qur'an
NTNU – Trondheim (Norway)
Nedre Bakklandet 4
kl. 18.15-20.15
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      Conspiracy TheoriesScience and ReligionContemporary Movements and Trends in IslamScience and Islam
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesQur'anic StudiesScience and ReligionIslamic Studies
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesScience and ReligionIslamic StudiesContemporary Movements and Trends in Islam The book is published by CICAP ( and it is aimed at a non-specialist audience. It deals with the different kinds of pseudoscience, antiscience, and... more
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      ParapsychologyFolk MedicineIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic Philosophy
Abstract: This paper discusses the work of two French authors who advocate a “scientific” exegesis of the sacred scriptures: the physician Maurice Bucaille (1922-1998) and the religious leader Claude Vorilhon (alias Raël – b. 1946).... more
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      New Religious MovementsNew ReligionsScience FictionIslamic Studies
Stefano Bigliardi, drawing upon the research that resulted in his 2014 monograph Islam and the Quest for Modern Science and in his recent article "The 'Scientific Miracle of the Qur’ān,' Pseudoscience, and Conspiracism" (Zygon: Journal... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesScience and ReligionQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies