students' misconceptions in Chemistry
Recent papers in students' misconceptions in Chemistry
Öz: Kimya, soyut kavramları çok olan ve kavramsal ağırlıklı bir bilimdir. Bu kavramların tanımı, kavramların içeriğine uygun olarak yapılmalı ve tanımlarda kimya öğretimi de dikkate alınmalıdır. Kavramların sadece bilimsel olarak doğru... more
Identifying students' misconceptions and learning difficulties and finding effective ways of addressing them has been one of the major concerns in chemistry education. However, the chemistry education community has paid little attention... more
One of the aims of chemistry teaching is to provide students with the optimum condition for understanding concepts needed to interpret and predict natural phenomena. But the fulfilment of such hope cannot occur unless what is presented to... more
The main purpose of this study was to identify prospective chemistry teachers' mental models of vapor pressure. The study involved 85 students in the Chemistry Teacher Training Department of a state university in Turkey. Participants'... more
ÖZ Kimya öğretmen adaylarının asitlik kavramı ile ilgili anlamalarını ve alternatif kavramalarını çizimler yoluyla belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışma nitel yaklaşımı esas alan bir tarama çalışmasıdır. Çalışma, 109 kimya öğretmen adayı ile... more
Talk given at ICCE-ECRICE conference at University of Rome La Sapienza on 16 July 2012.
Science is all around us. From a young age, students start observing things around them and acquire knowledge from various sources such as, and including, the media and the social networks, which might not always be correct. At school,... more