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In this essay I act as an art theorist/critic as well as philosopher. The two notions of the Harmanian object that I get most out of at present is its strange formulation of unity (the possibility of a real, unified and intentional... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtMaterialism
Review of an exhibition catalogue documenting the work of the so-called PICTURES GENERATION, 1974-1984 of American artists
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      The 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history)Cindy ShermanRichard PrinceExhibitions
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtMaurice BlanchotCollage
Two exhibitions by British artists in London in 1973 reviewed, compared and constrasted: John Stezaher and Art-Language
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      1970s CultureConceptual ArtStructuralismGroup work
Link to lecture video: Synopsis: The introduction of collage to modern art shortly after the turn of the twentieth century revolutionised both the material and conceptual conditions for art... more
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      CollageMax ErnstSherrie LevineAppropriation Art
The Ends of Collage, was an exhibition that spread over three platforms, each offering a different perspective from which to review the medium of collage and its legacies. At Luxembourg & Dayan, New York, the exhibition was dedicated to... more
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      CollageCindy ShermanMarcel DuchampPablo Picasso
The photocollages of John Stezaker pose eminent problems of image-theory. Their structural ambivalence is produced by the clash of two images in the continuum of one. In doing so they generate a plural picture combination, which questions... more
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      Jacques DerridaConceptual ArtCollagenTheory of Montage
The Ends of Collage was an exhibition that spread over three platforms, each offering a different perspective from which to review the medium of collage and its legacies. At Luxembourg & dayan, New York, the exhibition was dedicated to... more
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      CollageMarcel DuchampRichard PrinceAppropriation
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtArt Criticism