"Journal of Environment and Earth Science"
Recent papers in "Journal of Environment and Earth Science"
Sugarcane is a tall growing monocotyledonous crop plant that is cultivated in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world primarily for its ability to store high concentrations of sucrose, or sugar, in the internodes of the stem.... more
The combination treatment ; filtration using sediment poly propylene, absorption by carbon block and manganese zeolite, ion exchanger using synthetic anion resin and cation resin by depth of 70 cm, and then followed by Reverse Osmosis... more
Remote sensing investigations combined with Geographical investigation systems (GIS) have become more important for the study of geological mineralization and structural geology like lineaments. Automatic extraction of lineaments from... more
The concept of environmental justice has developed tremendously in the very short spell of its recent history. From its very humble beginnings in the United States of America, where it was borne out simply as a movement against... more
Many cities in Ghana have no controlled system for waste disposal. Waste is burned in pits, dumped in random locations, or disposed of in uncontrolled dumps without any further management. All these actions harm public health and the... more
Presently, air pollution is a principal global health threats which is responsible for enhancing the chances for spreading of many chronic diseases. This problem occurred over past few decades due to fast growth in urbanization,... more
Small-scale surface mining in Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality in western Ghana and its effect on soil physical properties is presented in this study. The rising rate of land degradation by the small-scale surface miners in the study area has... more
Water stress and low phosphorus availability are the limiting factors for growth and yield of wheat. Five different phosphorus levels (P = 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 kg ha -1 ) with three water stress levels (I 1 = well-irrigated, I 2 = water... more
The effect of housing and climate change on the Nigerian Environment was assessed employing secondary sources of data. It revealed among other things that climate change is due to natural force and anthropogenic activities of man... more
This study assesses the impact of sand mining on wells situated within 1km radius of Wudil river channel. The channel was divided into three sites consisting of (i) Upstream of the active mining (ii) Active mining area (iii) Downstream of... more
The Ethiopian highlands, occupying 44% of the total surface area of the country, are home to over 80% of the people, 75% of livestock, and are where up to about 95% of the crops are grown. However, they are among the most degraded in... more
Njoro sewage works is the main sewage work for Nakuru urban town that receives about 90% of industrial wastewater and 10 % domestic wastewater. In-sufficient pre-treatment of industrial wastewater, may affect the normal functioning of... more
Pavements fail for different reasons; poor design, poor materials and poor construction methods are the most common. The pavement foundation (subgrade) represents one of the key elements in the pavement design. The American Association of... more
Soil acidity has become a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia in general and in the western part of the country in particular. An earlier study estimated that about 41% of arable lands of Ethiopia are affected... more
The global population and increased urbanization have resulted in the increased production of municipal solid waste, thus, becoming a critical issue as a result of its poor management and inappropriate disposal. This is particularly the... more
Thickness of flexible pavement play very important factor in cost of construction of road ,in this study effect of change thickness of pavement on rutting of road is investigated . Two approaches are adopted; the first is the laboratory... more
Residual clay deposits overlying Precambrian Basement Complex situated at Orin, Igbara Odo, Ikere and Ado Ekiti were investigated using several analytical techniques. Field evidence supported by mineralogical and physicochemical analyses... more
Building permits are an important requirement for orderly urban development. They are consents that a proposed development meets land use regulations. Thus, issuance of building permits goes a long way to promote effective development... more
In this study, the potential effects of sawdust, yam peel and mixture of cow dung, goat dung and poultry dung used alone or in combination as amendment/nutrient supplements to biostimulate autochthonous microflora for hydrocarbon... more
Since the last decades, the performance management has become a legislative requirement for the private and public sectors. Companies are looking to find the tool that a can measure the performance effectively. One of the attractive areas... more
Land degradation in Ethiopia leads, inter alia, to a decline in soil quality and depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC). Sequestration of SOC, in turn, is a practical option not only to increase the SOC stock and quality, but also to... more
This project was carried out using two dimensional seismic reflection data of five (inline and crossline) seismic sections and one composite log to determine the trapping style and estimate hydrocarbon reserve in M field, Niger Delta. Two... more
Groundwater from wash-boreholes in Gombe Metropolis North-Eastern Nigeria was investigated to ascertain its quality status and suitability for drinking and domestic uses. Water samples were collected in the three wards of the Metropolis,... more
Waste management has become a major challenge confronting rapidly growing economies, urban cities and developing countries including Ghana. Notably, poor waste management systems, inadequate equipment militate against efficient waste... more
Water resources in Lebanon are witnessing serious challenges and reached depletion. One of the major challenges is the quality deterioration, which is accompanied with uncontrolled resources management, and thus the increasing demand.... more
Airborne magnetic and radiometric datasets were processed to interpret the geology of part of the Buem formation and estimate the depth to basement of magnetic source in the area. The study was aimed at mapping lithology, delineating... more
Hydrochemical assessment of 39 groundwater samples within Igbokoda coastal zone are presented and discussed in terms of impact of coastal saltwater on the quality and subsequent hydrochemical evolution. The pH range from 6.8 to 9.8,... more
Climate change is considered one of the most challenging current Ethiopian issues. Adaptation strategies are important to deal with climate change. The study assessed farmers’ adaptation strategies of climate change and identified their... more
Stormwater and receiving stream water samples were collected along Abeokuta-Ibadan road at four different locations and analysed for heavy metals: copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, chromium and other pollution indicating indices like DO, BOD5,... more
Rill and gully erosion is a critical environmental problem in India, where vegetal cover plays vital role in the runoff and soil loss reduction and stabilization of disturbed systems. Here, the impact of vegetal cover on runoff and soil... more
Ethiopia is both the center of origin and diversification of Coffee arabica. Despite the existence of high genetic diversity in coffee population that provides immense opportunities for improvement program, shortage of improved varieties... more
Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and Electrical Resistivity methods has been employed to unravel the localized nature of groundwater occurrence in Ogbomoso North, southwestern Nigeria. This was aimed at addressing the growing... more
Since the discovery of oil in Nigeria in the Niger Delta in the1950s and its commercialization in 1958, oil exploration and exploitation has been on going in Nigeria. The region has huge oil and gas reserves, and ranks the sixth world's... more
Residential buildings are places where people find themselves to be for a better part of their day. For a lot of individuals, this should serve as a comfort zone but is being defeated by a number of factors that range from construction... more
Residential buildings are places where people find themselves to be for a better part of their day. For a lot of individuals, this should serve as a comfort zone but is being defeated by a number of factors that range from construction... more
An interest in the aesthetics of the environment is part of a broader response to environmental problems, and creating public awareness is a pragmatic positive action towards environmental issues. The purpose of this paper is to find the... more
This paper examines solid waste management techniques employed in religious camps along Lagos -Ibadan Expressway. It identified the types of waste and quantity of waste generated in the selected camps. A total of two hundred and sixty one... more
Housing is one of the basic needs of any society. It is a component of men's environmental interactions which is expected to serve important functions, like biological, Psychological, socio-cultural and economic needs of individual... more
One of the most important functions of remote sensing data is the production of Land Use and Land Cover maps and thus can be managed through a process called image classification. This paper looks into the following components related to... more
Rainfall remains the crucial component of the weather elements for improving agricultural yield in Ethiopia. Rainfall occurrence analysis is extremely helpful in planning of water resources and agricultural development. A study was... more
Remote sensing investigations combined with Geographical investigation systems (GIS) have become more important for the study of geological mineralization and structural geology like lineaments. Automatic extraction of lineaments from... more
The main purpose of this study was to identify the implication of poor drainage on socio-economic activities in Aba North Local Government Area (L.G.A). The objectives of the study include the identification of the causes and types of... more