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NB: by "chicanery," I refer to Morocco's record of corruption and lack of oversight and enforcement of its laws, which could use reinforcement. On nearly the eve of hosting the twenty second Conference of the Parties to the United... more
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      North Africa StudiesLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental StudiesMediterranean Studies
RESUMO O artigo enfoca a conceituação da arquitetura enquanto experimentação projetual. Partindo desse objetivo, é proposto um recorte conceitual na tese de doutorado da primeira autora (orientada pelo segundo), a qual teve como objeto de... more
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      InterdisciplinarityDesign Process (Architecture)Experimental architectureZaha Hadid Architecture
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      Interior DesignZaha HadidZaha Hadid Architecture
There are three hundred and sixty degrees, so why stick to one?
- Zaha Hadid  October 31, 1950 - March 31, 2016
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      DesignArchitectureBuilt EnvironmentMuseums
Ein Arbeitsschwerpunkt der Künstlerin/Fotografin Antje Hanebeck (*1968) ist die Auseinandersetzung mit Raum und Räumlichkeit, unter anderem mit zeitgenössischer Architektur. Ihre Schwarz-Weiß-Aufnahmen zeichnen sich durch eine besonders... more
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      Contemporary PhotographyChanelFotografieZaha Hadid