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"MAKE your password strong, with a unique jumble of letters, numbers and punctuation marks. But memorize it – never write it down. And, oh yes, change it every few months. These instructions are supposed to protect us. But they don’t.
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      BlackberryYury ChemerkinHakin9Hakin9 Magazine
This saying may come from a story about Dionysius of Syracuse (430-367 BC), who had an ear-shaped cave cut that connected the rooms of his palace so that he could hear what was being said from another room. Similar listening posts were... more
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      BlackberryYury ChemerkinHakin9Hakin9 Magazine
Media and the Boundaries of Disclosure: Media, Morals, Public Shaming and Privacy Conference... more
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      Human Computer InteractionNew MediaComputer-Mediated CommunicationSocial Media