Workplace-Based Assessment
Recent papers in Workplace-Based Assessment
Objective: This study was aimed to explore students' learning response toward feedback during mini-CEX encounter. Methods: This study used a phenomenological approach to identify the students' experiences toward feedback during mini-CEX... more
In and around 2002-5 a number of tools and concepts to enhance training were being designed and piloted in orthopaedic centres. These tools eventually formed the basis for the trauma and orthopaedic curriculum which was written in 2005-6... more
ABSTRACT: Background: Mini-CEX was developed to assess clinical skills by direct observation. Mini-CEX as a clinical skills assessment tool had to fulfill four requirements: validity, reliability, effects on students, and practicality.... more
Work-based Learning reflective analysis. Including Personal Development Plan etc
In this study, a phenomenological descriptive method was applied to the clarification of the lived-through educationally meaningful experience in student assessment, related to a work-placement and higher educational context. As an... more
This paper explores the ways in which student assessment can be developed in higher education and work-related contexts to form a strong bridge between practice and improvement. Our aim is to provide a starting point for evaluation and... more
Work based assessment (WBA) is a common but contentious practice increasingly used to grade university students on professional degrees. A key issue in WBA is the potentially low assessment literacy of the assessors, which can lead to a... more
A pass mark in a teaching practice module is a convenient way for universities to signal confidence in students’ beginning teaching competence. However, assigning marks for teaching competence is a fraught undertaking if marks are to be... more
Background: Cultural differences might challenge the acceptance of the implementation of assessment formats that are developed in other countries. Acceptance of assessment formats is essential for its effectiveness; therefore, we explored... more
Case presentation is used as a teaching and learning tool in almost all clinical education, and it is also associated with clinical reasoning ability. Despite this, no specific assessment tool utilizing case presentations has yet been... more
In-training evaluations are a common but highly criticised method of assessing the competency of veterinary students completing training. They involve assessment of on-going performance in the workplace, performed by the supervisor. They... more