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      Religious HistoryPopular religionJaénConfratenities
One of the topics developed by the Clarissan abbess Isabel de Villena in her work "Vita Christi" was the politics. This text is framed in the cultural and political polemic known as "Querelle des Femmes" that was developed in the Late... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryEarly Modern History
Modèles de vertu en apparence et pourtant manipulatrices, empoisonneuses et adultères, les Julio-Claudiennes ont une réputation sulfureuse. L’empereur Auguste fut contraint d’instrumentaliser les femmes de sa famille pour asseoir son... more
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesRoman HistoryGender History
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    • Women History
En este artículo, mediante al análisis pormenorizado de Apiano (BC, 4,32), uno de los textos a los que los especialistas en la historia política del Segundo Triunvirato han prestado menos atención, pretendemos demostrar el decisivo papel... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryClassical philologyClassical Reception Studies
Starting from an episode of gender violence suffered by the community of Franciscan tertiaries of Santa Maria de la Cruz de Cubas and caused by its prelates, we analyze here the denounce discourse formulated by these women in the... more
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      Modern HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Capítulo 2 de la Tesis Doctoral La representación de las ancianas mayas prehispánicas de Tierras Bajas desde una perspectiva de género (2016).
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      AnthropologyIconographyArt HistoryArt
La contribución de las mujeres al acervo cultural hispano que . conocemos con el nombre de " música medieval " está todavía por explorar, sin que, hasta la fecha , haya ocupado la atención de los musicólogos, ni de los medievalistas. La... more
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      Medieval WomenWomen HistorySibille
This article examines a dominant narrative about, Emmeline Pankhurst, leader of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), the most notorious of the groupings campaigning for the parliamentary vote for women in Edwardian Britain. It... more
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      Historical StudiesWomen HistoryWomens History
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      Modern HistoryChurch HistoryReligious HistoryCharity
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      African AmericanHistorical StudiesPerforming ArtWomen History
This paper studies the life and work of the foundress of the female Third Regular Order of Saint Francis, Angelina de Montegiove. This woman raises a very interesting gender problem that manifests the difficulties generated by a female... more
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryGender History