By: Kirembwe Rashid Abdul Hamed I Mohammad Najib Jaafar I Hishomudin Ahmad
e-ISBN: 978-967-440-124-5
Published: 2014
DVD - e-Book format in PDF
The Advanced Luganda-English-Arabic Dictionary is intended to make the learning of Arabic Language easy for Luganda-English speakers at advanced level. It consists of 13992 entries of Luganda words. The linguistic descriptions of all entries are differentiated with black, blue and red colours. This dictionary provides learners with opportunities to:
i. Implement techniques of learning Arabic language by using Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language.
ii. Apply practical instances of Arabic grammar and morphology using Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language.
iii. Acquire big number of Arabic vocabularies using the easiest list of analyzed glossary for Luganda words borrowed from Arabic language provided in the appendixes.
iv. Acquire more Luganda as well as English vocabularies throughout lexical syntactic comparison of entries.
Also available in e-book format at (e-ISBN 978-967-440-125-2)
Website:- Preface
The purpose of this Electronic Luganda English Arabic Wordlist is to make the learning of Arabic Language easy for Luganda-English speakers at advanced level. It also expands Luganda Language-arts and vocabularies so that Luganda does not only become up-to-date but it also becomes all round active and systemically comparable with the rest of world developed languages.
Thus, the recovery and maintenance of Luganda language and culture is assured. The development of this Advanced Learner’s Luganda–English–Arabic Dictionary by applying Arabic derivative morphology was made feasible at three levels: (i) by using Arabic words that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin and never changed (see the Appendix); (ii) by using Arabic words that exist in Luganda with Arabic origin but changed ; and (iii) by using typical Luganda.
The whole dictionary is composed of 13.992 entries. This dictionary is composed of three important sections (a) general Introduction, (b) main section of this dictionary (c) conclusion and (d) Appendix of Arabic words that exist in Luganda language with Arabic origin and never changed.
The method of word search used in this Dictionary is the method of alphabetical order by Luganda main entries. Whereby the letter (a) comes before the letter (b) and the letter (c) comes before the letter (d) etc. There is no alphabetical order arrangement for the subsequent word derivatives.
It is said that African language-arts are underdeveloped. This is acceptable to some extents. It is also true that African language-arts are developable, by means of translation or by use of other linguistic procedures that may keep African language going instead of dropping then in favor of other languages interests. African language can meet all scientific and economic developments, they can assimilate science and technology. African languages can also assimilate modern life just like Malaysians, Japanese and Chinese have done. This Dictionary voices out authors’ idea of systemically assimilate Islamic and Arabic concepts in to foreign languages so that Islamic concepts can always be foreign language friendly. Similarly, such an educational initiative makes Arabic easy for foreign learners.
This Dictionary Embarks on the Following Objectives: 1) To improve foreigners’ mastery of Arabic language so that Ugandans can always understand Al’Qura’an and Al’ Ssunnah references. 2) To enhance foreigners’ awareness, Islam and Arabic culture. 3) To enhance foreigners’ readiness to acquire various linguistic skills for both Local and Arabic language. 4) The serve as a Luganda Arabic word reference at all levels.5) To encourage cultural combination among Islam, Luganda and Arabic culture. 6) To address people interests in Arabic African communication. 7) To introduce an up-to-date wordlist for Luganda vocabularies borrowed form Arabic language. 8) To encourage African (Ganda) linguistic innovations for different practical and theoretical purposes so that foreign linguistic activities can reach modern applications for all life aspects.
Among significances of this dictionary are: 1) To enhance readiness to acquire various linguistic skills for both local and Arabic language. 2) To serve as Luganda Arabic word reference at advanced levels. 3) To initiate systematic combination of Luganda-Arabic language-arts including Islamic and social-cultural implications. 4) To awaken the awareness of Islam by comprehending Arabic language-arts. 5) To respond to demanding Eastern African need to develop Luganda-Arabic-wordlists for different practical purposes including communication, academic e.t.c.
Method of Meaning Search
The method of word search used in this Dictionary is the method of alphabetical order. The meaning of a world is searched according to the order of letters for the main entry. Whereby the letter (a) comes before the letter (b) and the letter (c) comes before the letter (d) etc. There is no alphabetical order for the subsequent word derivations. The following Figure 1 presents Luganda Alphabets.
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g I i J j
a bba cca dda e ffa gga yi/i jja
K k L l M m N n Ŋŋ O o P p R r S s
Kka/Qq la mma nna ŋŋa o ppa eri ssa
T t U u V v W w Y y Z z
tta wu/u vva wa ya zza
Figure 1 Luganda Alphabets
The Authors wish to acknowledge their sincere thanks the Islamic Science University of Malaysia USIM especially the Faculty of Major Language Studies FPBU, for the great assistance they provided in favor of this Electronic Luganda English Arabic Wordlist. The authors also thank (Al-Azhar Media Enterprise No. 9456, Lorong Kekwa 1/1, Taman Guru Melayu, Senawang, Malaysia) for the great technical and professional advices they rendered for this dictionary. The authors also thank the rest scholars and colleagues whom provided them with different assistance in favor of this