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      Social Choice TheoryBehavioral EconomicsChoice ArchitectureVoting Rules
May's theorem famously shows that, in social decisions between two options, simple majority rule uniquely satisfies four appealing conditions. Although this result is often cited in support of majority rule, it has never been extended... more
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical ScienceSocial Choice TheoryPublic Choice
"Supermajorities have their advantage as well as their disadvantage: they provide an hedge against being in the minority, but they make being in the majority less likely. We characterize this trade-off and compute the most preferred... more
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      Political EconomyVoting BehaviorPublic ChoiceConstitutional Theory
""We study political distortions that emerge in situations where agents' political power is disproportionate with respect to their economic power. We provide a specific definition which adopts the same measure unit, the Shapley value, to... more
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      Constitutional TheoryEuropean Central BankPower IndicesVoting Rules
" Elections européennes : l'option du vote préférentiel ", Note à l'attention de M. Alain Tourret, rapporteur pour la commission des Lois de l'Assemblée nationale du projet de loi relatif à l'élection des représentants au Parlement... more
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      Voting RulesEuropean Parliament elections
The Condorcet winner in an election is the candidate who would be able to defeat all other candidates in a series of pairwise elections. The Condorcet efficiency of a voting procedure is the conditional probability that it will elect the... more
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      ProbabilityKey wordsVoting Rules