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      Sign LanguageSpatial cognitionVisuospatial Working MemoryDeafness and Working Memory
Cette thèse prend pour objet un aspect peu étudié de la mémoire, la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale et se donne comme objectif d’étudier le maintien à court terme des informations visuo-spatiales, comme il a été mis en évidence dans le... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyExperimental PsychologyWorking MemoryVisuospatial Working Memory
Depuis l’Antiquité, de nombreuses activités font référence au domaine du Visuel, de l’Imagé, du Visuo-Spatial, … En dépit de nombreux travaux, cette « mémoire visuo-spatiale » reste mal définie et la terminologie est relativement confuse.... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyEducationVisuospatial Working Memory
En dépit de nombreux travaux récents, la mémoire impliquant les tâches visuo-spatiales reste mal définie. Dans les deux expériences présentées, ont été introduites diverses tâches secondaires interférentes après deux tâches principales,... more
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      EducationVisuospatial Working MemoryCognitve psychology
There is some debate surrounding the cognitive resources underlying backwards digit recall. Some researchers consider it to differ from forwards digit recall due to the involvement of executive control, while others suggest that... more
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      Working MemoryVisuospatial Working MemoryVerbal working memory
Cette these prend pour objet un aspect peu etudie de la memoire, la memoire de travail visuo-spatiale et se donne comme objectif d'etudier le maintien a court terme des informations visuo-spatiales, comme il a ete mis en evidence dans... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyExperimental PsychologyArtWorking Memory
Learning a visuomotor skill involves a distributed network which includes the primary motor cortex (M1). Despite multiple lines of evidence supporting the role of M1 in motor learning and memory, it is unclear whether M1 plays distinct... more
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      Motor ControlTMSRetentionVisuospatial Working Memory
The study of visuospatial representations and visuospatial memory can profit from the analysis of the performance of specific groups. In particular, the surprising skills and imitations of blind people may be an important source of... more
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      Spatial cognitionBlindnessVisuospatial Working Memory
The basic-systems approach (Rubin, 2005, 2006) states that autobiographical memory is supported by other cognitive systems and argues that autobiographical memories are constructed from interactions between cognitive systems, such as... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)
Theoretical models of working memory suggest that the simultaneous processing and storage of information is carried out either as separate or binded mechanisms. We explored working memory capacity and strategy in two elite groups of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyExpertiseVisuospatial Working MemoryVerbal working memory
The notion of "mental maps" will therefore be considered according to two different meanings and uses: 1) the internal representation of a space travelled through (cognitive map) and 2) the representation of a set of entities or concepts... more
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      Visual CommunicationMental MapsVisual ThinkingSpatial Cognition (Psychology)
Visuospatial bootstrapping is the name given to a phenomenon whereby performance on visually presented verbal serial-recall tasks is better when stimuli are presented in a spatial array rather than a single location. However, the display... more
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      Working MemoryVisuospatial Working Memory
Dispositional anxiety is a well-established risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders along the internalizing spectrum, including anxiety and depression. Importantly, many of the maladaptive behaviors characteristic of... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyMedicineVisuospatial Working Memory
It is proposed that emotional and cognitive functions may be differentiated based on sex. However, it is still unknown whether this assumption could be generalized for all emotional faces and working memory (WM) functions. To examine... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyMedicineVisuospatial Working Memory
ABSTRACT Theoretical models of working memory suggest that the simultaneous processing and storage of information is carried out either as separate or binded mechanisms. We explored working memory capacity and strategy in two elite groups... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science