Value Judgement
Recent papers in Value Judgement
The research was carried out to find out primary school teachers’ educational value judgement in regards to teaching process and to understand differences in their values and its effect on their teaching and on their school. The survey... more
Music and Letters, 94/2 (May 2013), 375-377
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
NATURALIZM "Etyka jest pochodzenia naturalnego", "dobro i powinność są czymś naturalnym"tak mogłyby brzmieć najogólniejsze i zarazem najbardziej intuicyjne odpowiedzi osoby niewyszkolonej specjalnie filozoficznie na pytanie o to, czym... more
There are certain 'hard cases' of weakness of will that seem to occur, indeed to be common, but are very difficult to give a non-paradoxical account of. It is just not clear how they are possible. This paper is largely an attempt to get... more
This article aims to contribute to the debate about the moral and ethical aspects of education for sustainable development by suggesting a clarification of ethics and morals through an investigatio ...
One of the most persistent problems in modern theory of value centers around the nature and significance of judgments of value. Controversy has raged over alternative accounts of the origin, analysis, and justification of such judgments.... more
Ästhetische Urteilsbildung – im jeweiligen Einzelfall: die Kritik eines musikalischen Werks – setzt die Kritik der möglichen Betrachtungsweisen des Gegenstandes voraus. In über hundert Konzertberichten, die Carl Dahlhaus Anfang der 1960er... more
In evaluating how creative a program or an artefact is, a key factor to consider is the value inherent in that program or artefact. Our research investigates the process by which cultural products may be accorded a form of specifically... more