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There is plenty of information available in the public domain that covers various aspects of extension and know-how about new methodologies for implementation. However this information is often scattered and presented in complex academic... more
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      Rural DevelopmentAgricultural extensionInformation and Communication TechnologiesWeb Portals
Today, automation driven by information technology has overtaken the usual traditional manual operation in every key sector of human endeavor. It has greatly improved both productivity level and quality of service amongst other benefits.... more
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      Computer ScienceTeaching and LearningComputer NetworksICT in Education
Riflettendo sulle tematiche dell’integrazione tra urbanistica, sviluppo e mobilità, è stato sviluppato il progetto E-SCAPE il cui titolo sta per ‘Electronic- landSCAPE’, indicando le possibili integrazioni tra il contesto paesaggistico e... more
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      Rural DevelopmentWeb ApplicationsMobilityTerritory and Innovation, Universities and Regional Development
The development of rural telecommunication services in Iran has been a major and national concern during the past few years. Towards the national planning and in a giant movement, 10 000 centers have been established in rural areas.... more
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      ICT for DevelopmentICT in rural areasUse of ICTS for Rural Development
Policy-makers and governments in developing nations can implement more effective policies and frameworks by gaining a better understanding of the factors that support stakeholders and partners to extend the benefits of information... more
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    • Use of ICTS for Rural Development
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Futures Studies and ForesightRural Planning and DevelopmentApplication and use of (ICT) Information &Communication TechnologiesUse of ICTS for Rural Development
Public water services are still failing rural Tanzanians. Emboldened by advances in information communication technologies, the Ministry of Water has been developing computing, financial and administrative technologies to update and... more
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      TanzaniaWater governanceRural Water SupplyICTs and Governance
Public water services are still failing rural Tanzanians. Emboldened by advances in information communication technologies, the Ministry of Water has been developing computing, financial and administrative technologies to update and... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceTanzaniaWater governance
A promising strategy to promote good governance is harnessing the opportunities provided by the use of mobile phones, widely accessible to most segments of the society, for delivering public information and services and for... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceDecision MakingHuman Factors
Riflettendo sulle tematiche dell’integrazione tra urbanistica, sviluppo e mobilità, è stato sviluppato il progetto E-SCAPE il cui titolo sta per ‘Electronic- landSCAPE’, indicando le possibili integrazioni tra il contesto paesaggistico e... more
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      GeographyPolitical ScienceRural DevelopmentWeb Applications
Riflettendo sulle tematiche dell’integrazione tra urbanistica, sviluppo e mobilità, è stato sviluppato il progetto E-SCAPE il cui titolo sta per ‘Electronic- landSCAPE’, indicando le possibili integrazioni tra il contesto paesaggistico e... more
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      Rural DevelopmentWeb ApplicationsMobilityICTs