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The study titled “The Transitional Period between the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age in Bulgaria” sets to offer a synopsis on the problem of the Transitional period between the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age in Bulgaria. Its primary... more
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      ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyBalkan archaeology
This paper deals with a ceramic collection of the less known and unknown vessels, coming from destroyed burials of Usatovo culture. The vessels were discovered near Palanca and Tudora villages on the Lower Dniester and Tigheci village... more
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      Usatovo periodCucuteni-Tripolye cultureUsatovo cultureCucuteni-Tripolye culture, late period (CII)
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyUsatovo periodTumuliMiddle Bronze Age barrow burial, Tumulus Culture
The article discusses the social organization of the Usatovo culture which occupied the North-West Pontic region in the second half of the 4th millennium BC. The analysis of material from burial sites revealed three groups of cemeteries.... more
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      Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)PrehistoryPrehistoric ArcheologyUsatovo period
The social structure of the buried population in the Mayaki cemetery of the Usatovo culture (the Lower Dniester Region) is considered in the article. The analysis of spatial, quantitative and contextual distribution of different... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)
Starting from the famous figurine from burial nr. 12 in Mayaki, the article addresses the issue of a special type of anthropomorphic representations from the South-East European prehistory, namely the ones with a cavity in the upper part... more
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      Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)Anthropomorphic FigurinesUsatovo periodCucuteni-Tripolye culture
This paper is ment to introduce to the scientific circuit the set of ceramics recovered from the Usatovo-type necropolis in Răscăieţi – Stânca. The set includes 15 whole pots and a lid fragment, most of them made from fine clay without... more
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      Usatovo periodUsatovo- type amphoraeCucuteni-Tripolye culture, late period (CII)
Among the early burial mounds in the northwest of the Black Sea, a special place is occupied by a series of grave containing the bone pins with the curved head. The same discoveries were also documented eastwards in the basin of the... more
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      Usatovo periodPrehistoric MigrationsJamnaja cultureCucuteni-Tripolye culture, late period (CII)