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The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Les sols à effondrement brusque sont des sols non saturés qui présentent des déformations potentielles importantes après mouillage avec ou sans chargement. La majeure partie de ces sols sont des lœss, dépôts éoliens formés de silts et de... more
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      Collapsible SoilsUnsaturated SoilsSoil TreatmentLime Treatment
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides convincing evidence of global warming as a result of increased greenhouse gas production. There has been a greater occurrence of extreme climate events in recent decades. We... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceGeophysicsRemote Sensing
Avec l’évolution technologique et démographique de l’homme et son besoin vital des zones arides et semi arides, il envahit le désert pour exploiter ses richesses, ce qui conduit à une présence des eaux plus importante qu’avant ; que ce... more
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      Collapsible SoilsUnsaturated SoilsCementSoil Treatment
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      Unsaturated soilUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)Unsaturated SoilsUnsaturated Soil Mechanics
Slope failures in fill slopes formed by loosely compacted, completely decomposed granite in Hong Kong occur commonly during intense tropical rainstorms. The stress path greatly influences the shear strength of the soil mass, and is... more
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      Unsaturated SoilsRainfallSoil SuctionFailures
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      Unsaturated soilUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)TestingUnsaturated Soils
The paper gives a brief description of double wall cell triaxial equipment for testing soil samples under unsaturated conditions and presents results of some of the calibrations necessary to achieve accurate measurements of inner cell... more
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      Unsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)
I am a Scientist working at National Institute of Hydrology (A Government of India Society under Ministry of Water Resources), Roorkee - 247667 (Uttarakhand), India. My research areas of interest are assessment of groundwater potential;... more
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      HydrogeologyHydrologyGroundwaterGroundwater modeling
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceHydrogeology
The collapsible soils are localized in arid and semi-arid regions. Such soils are in nature unsaturated soils, which are characterized by a metastable structure and undergo an abrupt collapse when they are inundated with or without... more
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      PredictionCollapsible SoilsUnsaturated SoilsProctor test
Triaxial tests have been widely used to evaluate the soil behavior. In the past few decades, several methods have been developed to measure the volume changes of unsaturated soil specimens during triaxial tests. Literature review... more
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      PhotogrammetryUnsaturated SoilsTriaxial testingOptical Ray Tracing
The filter paper method is probably the simplest of the methods available for estimating a wide range of soil suction. The method is highly dependent on the suction calibration curve employed (i.e., the water retention or characteristic... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
The paper presents a bounding surface model that describes the gradual yielding of unsaturated soils subjected to isotropic loads. The model originates from consideration of the capillary bonding between soil grains, which leads to the... more
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      Civil EngineeringSoil ScienceUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
Unsaturated zone transport models are indispensable tools for analyzing complex environmental pollution problems, and for developing practical management strategies. A quantitative study of water flow and contaminant transport in the... more
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      GroundwaterGroundwater ContaminationGroundwater modelingGroundwater Hydrology
The experimental work presented in the paper explores the soil-water characteristic curve and the evolution of tensile and unconfined compression strength of drying slurried soils. The axis translation technique and the saturated salt... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
RESUMEN La presencia de plaguicidas en aguas subterráneas y acuíferos representa una situación frecuente, especialmente en aquellas regiones que tienen un elevado consumo de plaguicidas (Pasquarell y Boyer, 1996). La hipótesis aceptada de... more
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      SensorsPesticidesUnsaturated SoilsHUMIDITY SENSORS
Compacted clay fills are generally placed at the optimum value of water content and, immediately after placement, they are unsaturated. Wetting might subsequently occur due, for example, to rainfall infiltration, which can cause... more
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      Unsaturated soilSoil MechanicsConstitutive ModelingSoil Investigation and Testing
Residual shear strength of soils has been found to increase with the decrease of the degree of saturation and the corresponding increasing suction due to the creation of clay platelets aggregations as a result of drying. The paper... more
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      Unsaturated SoilsUnsaturated Soil MechanicsSoil SuctionResidual shear strength
A full scale trial pile wall was constructed as part of an initial investigation for a road underpass project in Adelaide, South Australia. The purpose of the trial was to determine if a soldier piled retaining wall could support a deep... more
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      Unsaturated soilExpansive SoilsUnsaturated Soils
Soil water retention curves were determined using four different techniques for suction measurement. Transistor psychrometer and non‐contact filter paper techniques were used for total suction determinations; pressure plates and... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
The authors have presented a new suction control system for unsaturated soils with independent drying and wetting systems and direct measurement of suction. This new technique has several advantages: (1) as stated by the authors "the... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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      Unsaturated SoilsCollapseSuctionSoil Water Characteristic Curve
High-suction tensiometers are able to measure suctions up to 2 MPa. Direct calibration at such high suctions requires the imposition of negative water pressures, which are difficult to achieve using facilities commonly available in soil... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
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    • Unsaturated Soils
Les sols à effondrement brusque sont des sols non saturés qui présentent des déformations potentielles importantes après mouillage avec ou sans chargement. La majeure partie de ces sols sont des loess, dépôts éoliens formés de silts et de... more
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      Collapsible SoilsUnsaturated SoilsSoil TreatmentLime Treatment
The paper presents a physically-based constitutive model for unsaturated soils that considers the bonding effect of water menisci at inter-particle contacts. A bonding factor has been used to represent the magnitude of the equivalent... more
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      Civil EngineeringUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringSoil Mechanics
The paper presents an elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils that takes explicitly into account the mechanisms with which suction affects mechanical behaviour as well as their dependence on degree of saturation. The proposed model is... more
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soil
and pioneered the development of tensiometer-based suction control systems. In these systems, wetting and drying of the soil are achieved by water injection and circulation of air in contact with the specimen while suction is monitored by... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
In high suction tensiometers, cavitation occurs when the tension in the water inside the device exceeds a certain threshold. The threshold corresponds to the formation of air bubbles either by air entry into or formation within the porous... more
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      Civil EngineeringUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringSoil Mechanics
The neutron probe has proven to be an effective means for monitoring long term in situ soil moisture variations. However, it is difficult to experimentally correlate neutron probe data ͑i.e., neutron counts͒ with accurate estimates of... more
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      Unsaturated SoilsExpansive soilss
Understanding the settlement behavior of different types of soil is important for almost every geotechnical structure. Many efforts have been done in the field of geotechnical engineering to evaluate and theorize the consolidation... more
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      Unsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)
The paper presents an elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils that takes explicitly into account the mechanisms with which suction affects mechanical behaviour as well as their dependence on degree of saturation. The proposed model is... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical Engineering
This article presents an overview of hydrological studies undertaken and published by a Senior Scientist working at National Institute of Hydrology (A Government of India Society under Ministry of Jal Shakti), Roorkee-247667... more
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      HydrogeologyClimate ChangeHydrologyWater resources
Tailing deposits are singular geotechnical structures, which are intended to last indefinitely in time. One of the most important challenges in relation to such waste deposits is to predict their behaviour in the long term, e.g. several... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
A number of constitutive models have been developed to describe the complex behaviour of unsaturated soils. Despite the significant recent developments in constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils, many of the existing models are unable... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
The two primary methods for suction control in unsaturated soil mechanics is the axis translation technique for matrix suction and the water solutions method for total suction control by means of controlling the relative humidity in an... more
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      Unsaturated soilUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)Unsaturated SoilsUnsaturated Soil Mechanics
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
Embankment stability reaches a critical point at the end of construction when excess pore pressures have developed and are only partly dissipated. Slope stability analyses are able to incorporate the development of pore water pressure... more
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      Unsaturated SoilsSoil Suction
Block anchor is an interface element used to restrain horizontal movement of structures. This paper investigates the effect of moisture conditions (or degree of saturation) on the pullout capacity of block anchor embedded in sand at three... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
Understanding the settlement behavior of different types of soil is important for almost every geotechnical structure. Many efforts have been done in the field of geotechnical engineering to evaluate and theorize the consolidation... more
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      Unsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsUnsaturated Soil (Engineering)
To better understand the behaviour of unsaturated clays for retaining wall design in Adelaide, South Australia, a trial soldier pile retaining wall supporting an 8 m deep excavation was constructed for a proposed 3 km long underpass. The... more
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      Unsaturated soilExpansive SoilsUnsaturated SoilsUnsaturated Soil Mechanics
The net stress plus suction and the average skeleton stress plus modified suction are two alternative sets of energetically consistent stress variables for modelling the hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. When used in... more
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      Civil EngineeringSoil ScienceMaterials ScienceThermodynamics
The influence of water salinity and of heterogeneity of the dielectric properties of the access tube on the performance of capacitance sensors for soil water content monitoring is discussed. These sensors operate through measurement of... more
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    • Unsaturated Soils
The main objective of the current research is to analyze through the use of elemental simulations, unsaturated tests executed on soils with metastable characteristics (Brasilia porous clay), which due to high porosity and kind of... more
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      Unsaturated soilNumerical ModellingUnsaturated SoilsConstitutive modelling of unsaturated soils
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      Numerical ModelingUnsaturated soilGeotechnical EngineeringGenetic Algorithms
The stability of civil engineering constructions is a statically indeterminate problem when they were built on collapsible soils. These soils present significant changes due to sudden decrease in volume after wetting with or without... more
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      Collapsible SoilsUnsaturated SoilsCementSoil Treatment
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      Civil EngineeringSoil ScienceMaterials ScienceThermodynamics
ABSTRACT Triaxial tests have been widely used to evaluate soil behaviors. In the past few decades, several methods have been developed to measure the volume changes of unsaturated soil specimens during triaxial tests. Literature review... more
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      Civil EngineeringPhotogrammetryUnsaturated SoilsTriaxial testing