US Southern Literature
Recent papers in US Southern Literature
Jubilate Pavo "Frequently the [pea]cock combines the lifting of his tail with the raising of hisvoice. He appears to receive through his feet some shock from the center of the earth, which travels upward though him and is released:... more
The drawing above is a cartoon published on the front page of the leading Democratic paper in Raleigh, North Carolina, the News and Observer, of October 9, 1898, created by the well-known cartoonist Norman Ethre Jennett. The cartoon is... more
The installation of a statue of Thomas Ruffin that stands at the entrance to the NC Court of Appeals was part of a long campaign to honor the heroes of the Jim Crow South in the early 20th century--part of the reification of the "Lost... more
Details a strategy for teachers wishing to prompt students to engage in a critical reading of Harper Lee’s immensely popular novel To Kill a Mockingbird. This strategy prompts students to discuss details in the novel that point to the... more
... Edmonds," Introduction": 1) The" New South," led by entrepreneurs in the textile, tobacco, railroad and banking industry, made for rising profits but ... But while critics Sally Ann Ferguson and Trudier Harris... more
Boston I. "We are all brothers" 1 I n an interview reported in the Brazilian newspaper O Estado de São Paulo in August 1954, William Faulkner notes, "in my view, race is one of this continent's most pressing issues." Treating North and... more
In 1950s Hollywood, films about the American South required a drawl. Reviewers praised so-called “Southerns” for their “authentic flavor” or “core of atmosphere.” The South was a different world from mainstream America, to be captured on... more