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Baillie, A. J., & Mattick, R. P. (1996). The Benzodiazepine Dependence Questionnaire: Development, reliability and validity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 169(3), 276-281.
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      Drugs And AddictionBenzodiazepinesBenzodiazepine addictionTranquillisers
Основната тема на овој труд е феноменот на наркоманијата како еден вид од мноштвото девијантни однесувања. Поимот на наркоманијата е тесно поврзан со поимот на дрогата и наркотиците воопшто. Според дефиницијата за наркоманија, дадена од... more
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      LSDChronic DiseaseAmphetamineMDMA
Вопреки распространённому убеждению, психотропные препараты - не единственное средство решения проблемы при психических расстройствах. Ярким примером может послужить история Уилла Холла, американского психолога-консультанта, которому в 26... more
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Background. Youth populations are vulnerable to substance use particularly in developing countries where circumstances may be favorable for it. There is no published data on substance use among the youth in Sudan other than on tobacco... more
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      EpidemiologyAddictionDrugs And AddictionYouth Substance Use
The present study was done to get a standard dose of xylazine/ketamine with minimum recovery time. Ten healthy red pandas were anesthetized for the blood collection for their blood biochemistry and hematological studies at the Padmaja... more
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      TranquillisersZoo and Wild Animal Medicine and Management
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      Immune responseFish ImmunologyFish BiologyFish Physiology