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Beginning in the 16 th century, regional political, social and economic interaction spawned a re-emergence of far-reaching regional trade and exchange networks across the Midwest. In northwestern Ohio, aboriginal participation in these... more
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      Late Woodland (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Upper Mississippian Societies (Archaeology)Great Lakes ArchaeologyTrade and Exhange
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    • Trade and Exhange
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      Portuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonWestern GhatsSpice TradeHunter-Gatherers
Η πιο πάνω εργασία, εκπονήθηκε στο χειμερινό εξάμηνο 2018- 19 στα πλαίσια του μεταπτυχιακού σεμιναρίου με τίτλο << Ανθρωπολογία των κοινών>>
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      Creative CommonsP2p(peer-2-Peer) NetworksTrade and ExhangeUrban Commons
Exchange is a central focus of a large portion of modern obsidian studies, and the reconstruction of various exchange mechanisms using provenance data has a long history in the discipline. While modeling the movement of objects across... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySardinia (Archaeology)Social Network Analysis (SNA)Obsidian