Tomas Rivera
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Recent papers in Tomas Rivera
This article analyzes the structural composition of the chicana/o novel . . .y no se lo tragó la tierra, by Tomás Rivera, a book that has become a collec- tive point of reference for chicana/o culture and community. Its structure will be... more
En la Introducción a los anexos de la primera edición latinoamericana de la novela …y no se lo tragó la tierra (1971) de Tomás Rivera, Buenrostro contextualiza la incorporación de 17 documentos inéditos que elucidan la génesis de la... more
At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, the Latino minority, the biggest and fastest growing in the United States, is at a crossroads. Is assimilation taking place in comparable ways to previous immigrant groups? Are the... more