The names of Allah
Recent papers in The names of Allah
Çok acıyan, Pek acıyan Allah'ın adıyla.. [1] Övgü-şükür (akıllı) alemlerin rabbi Allah'adır. [2] Çok acıyan'a, Pek acıyan'a.. [3] Din gününün sahibine/kralına.. [4] Yalnız Sana ibadet ederiz ve Senden yardım dileriz sadece! [5] Bizi,... more
The word 'God' (Allah[ST] in Arabic, Yahweh and Jehovah in Hebrew) is conceived of as the supreme being, creator deity, and principal object of faith. He is usually conceived as being omnipotent (all-powerful) (al-Qahir), omniscient... more
The new book of David Steindl-Rast (99 Namen Gottes. Betrachtungen Mit 100 Kalligraphien von Shams Anwari-Alhosseyni Innsbruck-Wien: Tyrolia-Verlag, 2019). The "99 beautiful names" – the "Asma'ul Husna" – stand in the Islamic tradition... more
JILL IRELAND VS KDM, GOVT OF MALAYSIA (GROUDS OF JUDGEMENT) NO: R4(2)-25-256-2008 This is such an important case that I have decided to upload the entire judgement. Read it carefully and you will understand how the Govt bureaucracy works... more
This study is related to Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi's life, works, religious and philosophical views and the edition critique of his book al-Amad al-Aqsa fi sharh Asma Allah al-husna.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Doa Jawsyan Kabir adalah firman Allah SWT yang diwahyukan kepada Rasulullah SAAW. Ketika Nabi berada di sebuah peperangan, dan sedang memakai perisai yang berat, Allah memerintahkan beliau agar membaca Doa... more
"God in Islam" is the first chapter of the book What Qur'an Says: A Modern Reconstruction. It presents a study of the concept of God in Islam from an objective, but essentially apologetic, perspective. The chapter, therefore, does not... more
Прекрасные имена Аллаха и их краткое толкование 2 Прекрасные имена Аллаха и их краткое толкование / -1-е издание, М: Даруль-Фикр, 2017 г. -64 с.
Tidak ada dokter yang paling sempurna paling baik dalam pengobatannya melainkan Allah subhanahu Wa ta'ala nama lain dari Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ialah as-Syāfi
This writing summarizes the core concepts and norms of Islam from jurisprudence, society, character and divinity. Today as the common people became so busy and distracted, to help them quickly get an overall but broad understanding of... more
I examine in this book the free will according to the Quranic/ Islamic teaching, and in this context, determinism, indeterminism, reductive physicalism, soul, consciousness in detail.
Al-Ikhlas is one of the Surahs that give us recognition of our Lord. This Surah is also known As-Samad (the one who is eternally besought). Sahaba also kept some other names for this Surah.
(Terjemahan kepada Talqin Usul alAqidah lil Ammah -oleh Syekh Muhammad bin Abd alWahhab rahimahullah 1115H-1206H)
This edition constitutes a small contribution to the discussion on contextualization in Asia that focuses mostly on real examples from various Asian contexts. We begin with Tess Chai’s article which explains how the term was coined, how... more
The basic practice of Islam is summed up in its Five Pillars: the recital of the creed (shahada), ritual prayers five times a day (salat), almsgiving (zakat), fasting in the month of Ramadan (ssawm) and the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). To... more
Özet Tabiatta kötülük/şer olarak nitelenen şeylerin çokluğu ve bunların kişiden kişiye değişmesi, neyin, niçin kötülük olarak vasfedildiği sorusunu sormayı gerekli kılar. Bu anlamda kötülük problemini vuzuha kavuşturarak zihinleri tatmin... more
"There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two... more
Allah’ı bilmek için şu iki ayet çok önemlidirler: Birinci ayet olumlu bir konuyu anlatır. Diğeri ise olumsuz bir davranışı anlatır. İkisi bir arada hakikati tam olarak çerçeveliyor. Çünkü insanın zihni diyalektik olarak yani zıtların... more
Allah soyut ve somut varlığı itibariyle Sonsuzdur, her şeyden her şeye daha yakındır. Eşya O'nun enerjisi, yazılımı ve isteğiyle (kudret, ilim ve iradesiyle) birer dosyadırlar. O ise Ana Dosyadır. Dolayısıyla herşeyden herşeye daha... more
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I was posed two questions in one of my Youtube lectures. Here you can read the answer to them.
I was posed two questions in one of my Youtube lectures. Here you can read the answer to them.
SIR – There were several significant factual errors in your review of Istanbul: A Tale of Three Cities by Bettany Hughes (Saturday Review, January 28):... more
This present study discusses some background causes of the origin and development of Islamic theological issues. Based on reviewing existing literatures and analysing the concerning theories the author attempts to bring Islamic... more
Kalām God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts (Quran: Surah Ar'Ard 13:11) Images play an important role, creating discourse about the future. Cultural nuances, the meaning of everything and... more