The Hollow Men
Recent papers in The Hollow Men
Critics have left the influence of old nihilism on T. S. Eliot’s poetry largely unexplored, an idea that necessitates further inspection because it provides a consistent pre-and-post-conversion current that accounts for his propensity to... more
Now-a-days we are passing through an era of moral and ethical anemia. The wheel of progress has unveiled the mysteries of the universe beyond Milky Way or the mysteries of God Particle. But the wheel may be clogged up with the... more
T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Hollow Men” shares this impersonal tone of accepted and rushed knowledge and interconnection with images of belief and action that reaches its own objective purpose from its subjective practices. Researchers agree... more
Begin with Poem lines, Background information, Themes of The Hollow Men, Eliot's inspiration for the work, Summary(long and short), Themes.
The current paper provides an analytical study of Eliot’s poem, “The Hollow Men.” The methods that have been employed in this research are textual and reader-response analyses. The poem has been explored from both approaches in order to... more
My partner and I were undertaking some research on AGARTHA 1 in preparation for a couple of publications (one for CultureMachine and another for FibreCulture, as well as for a keynote at the second 'Tuning Speculation' conference which... more
T.S. Eliot will be considered in his play “Murder in the Cathedral” and how in the second half of the 30s he represented a religious or more generally spiritual approach of what was happening in Europe at the time: fascism and nazism,... more
Tre sono le questioni. Non fatico a ritrovarle in cima alle preoccupazioni della tradizione del pensiero filosofico e della produzione artistica occidentale, almeno a partire dalla modernità in poi. Tre questioni che si possono esprimere... more
Chris Marker’s video installation The Hollow Men, presented on a series of eight plasma screen monitors mounted in a row, captures a haunting vision of the death and destruction of World War I, an event that functions as a prelude to the... more
Recensione a: Daniele Gigli, "T.S. Eliot, nel fuoco del conoscere", Edizioni Ares, Milano 2021, pp. 168, € 14.00.