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      BiomaterialsTissue EngineeringElectrospinningBiomaterials and tissue engineering scaffolds
Plesiosaurians are highly derived secondarily-adapted organisms (if fishes are primarily-adapted) with a long evolutionary history, and they are closely related with basal eosauropterygians. Attempts to reconstruct soft-tissue anatomy can... more
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      GeologyPaleontologySkeletal BiologyBiomechanics
This study elucidates the ultrastructural characteristics of the midsubstance of the epiligament of the lateral collateral ligament in rat knee joint during postnatal development. Animals of both sexes in 11 age groups were studied. In... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesKneeBiomechanical Properties of LigamentsTendon and Ligament Engineering
Hybrid silk scaffolds combining knitted silk fibers and silk sponge have been recently developed for use as ligament-alone grafts. Incorporating an osteoinductive phase into the ends of a ligament scaffold may potentially generate an... more
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      HydroxyapatiteSilk FibresBiomaterials and tissue engineering scaffoldsTendon and Ligament Engineering
Our previous study revealed that the fibroblasts in the epiligament of medial collateral ligament of the knee joint in rats were not static cells. They synthesize type I and V collagens, whose presence in the EL may be important in... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesLigamentKneeBiomechanical Properties of Ligaments
The thin layer of connective tissue enveloping ligaments, termed the epiligament is not well described. The aim of this study was to elucidate the morphology of the epiligament in the midsubstance of the lateral collateral ligament in rat... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesLigamentKneeTendon and Ligament Engineering
The last decade has seen significant developments in cell therapies, based on permanently differentiated, reprogrammed or engineered stem cells, for tendon injuries and degenerative conditions. In vitro studies assess the influence of... more
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      RegenerationStem cell TherapyCell therapyTendon and Ligament Engineering
The thin layer of connective tissue enveloping ligaments, termed the epiliga- ment is not well described. The aim of this study was to elucidate the normal morphology of the external surface of the medial collateral ligament epiligament... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesKneeBiomechanical Properties of LigamentsTendon and Ligament Engineering
Our previous study revealed that the fibroblasts in the epiligament of medial collateral ligament of the knee joint in rats were not static cells. They synthesize type I and V collagens, whose presence in the EL may be important in... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesLigamentKneeBiomechanical Properties of Ligaments
Our previous study revealed that the fibroblasts in the epiligament of medial collateral ligament of the knee joint in rats were not static cells. They synthesize type I and V collagens, whose presence in the EL may be important in... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesLigamentKneeBiomechanical Properties of Ligaments
Background: In this study, we evaluated the changes which occurred in the epiligament, an enveloping tissue of the ligament, during the ligament healing. We assessed the association of epiligament elements that could be involved in... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesLigamentKneeBiomechanical Properties of Ligaments
In "Tendon Regeneration: understanding tissue physiology and development to engineer functional substitutes" Ed. Gomes ME, Rodrigues MT, Reis RL. Elsevier, 2015.
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesTendon and Ligament EngineeringTendon biology and healingTendons