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In complex product and systems development strategies, technological catch-up is one of the most important strategies to reduce the technological gap between latecomer countries and technology leaders, in which latecomer countries can... more
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      Technological Catching UpEconomic DevelopmentPetrochemical industryTechnology Gap
همپایی تکنولوژیک یا فناورانه به معنای رسیدن به مرزهای دانش علمی و فنی در زمانی کوتاهتر است. کشورهای در حال توسعه میبایست با نیت کاهش شکاف موجود در بهره وری یا درآمد خود با کشورهای توسعه یافته بپردازند. ادبیات نامنسجم همپایی تکنولوژیک،... more
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      Technological Catching UpPatternsModelsTheories
Among small, late-industrializing economies in the developing world, three – Korea, Taiwan and Singapore – have achieved remarkably rapid industrial and technological catch-up. More interestingly, they have done so by evolving distinctly... more
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      East AsiaSingaporeTechnological Catching UpKorea
The debate as to whether, how and under which conditions latecomers in an ever more interconnected global economy can become significant producers of new technology and innovation has significant implications for industrial and economic... more
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      Technological Catching UpSectoral Systems of Innovationknowledge base complexity
The aircraft system and its sub-systems, including the engine, are components of complex product systems that highly costly and technology-intensive. The purpose of this research is to provide a general model for explaining the factors... more
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      Technological Catching UpMeta Synthesis
This study evaluates technological catch-up in the electronics industry by Chinese indigenous firms compared with foreign firms operating in the country. We make use of firm-level data for the period 2001–2012, a period during which the... more
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    • Technological Catching Up
For several decades, China tried to catch up in the automotive industry, yet until recently with little success. Now, the paradigm shift from internal combustion to electric driving has been used to catch up with global competitors. The... more
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      Technological Catching UpChinaIndustrial policy
The idea of leapfrogging, where a newly industrialising nation moves directly to the use of advanced technologies without needing to follow the trajectory of its predecessors, is an attractive one, particularly for the automobile industry... more
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      Sustainable TransportationSustainable DevelopmentStrategic ManagementTechnological Catching Up
This article investigates the relationship between the dynamics of knowledge base complexity and shifts in the international geography of innovation, with important implications for the process of technological catch-up. Empirical... more
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      Technological Catching UpGeography of innovationPetroleum Industryknowledge base complexity
The debate over the impact of education on economic growth has recently led to disagreement when, at the empirical level, the effect of average human capital on economic growth has been found to be weak. With this paper we revisit these... more
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    • Technological Catching Up
Public intervention to support knowledge generation is recognized as a fundamental strategy that enables the closing the gap between latecomers and forerunners economies. Evaluations and academic studies have been conducted on a wide... more
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      EvaluationTechnological Catching UpKnowledgeCatch-Up
This paper highlights the specificities of the patterns of low carbon energy technological innovations in selected Asian emerging economies. China and the members of ASEAN-4 (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines) are included... more
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      Energy PolicyTechnological Catching UpScience, technology and Innovation PolicyScientometric
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      Technological Catching UpCommunity of PracticePetroleum IndustrySectoral Systems of Innovation
Government supportive policies play a significant role in technological learning and catching up in developing countries. In the last two decades, a number of laws have been passed in Iran that has targeted technology development and... more
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      Technological Catching UpTechnological LearningDocumentary researchPolicy Instruments