Teaching English in the Two-Year College
Recent papers in Teaching English in the Two-Year College
EJ570072 - Life Writing and Basic Writing.
Serving as the introduction to TETYC’s special issue on disability in two-year college English, this article centers disability as a necessary consideration for two-year colleges’ mission of open access. Drawing on the work of disability... more
Oral interpretation courses, designed to be about communication, can serve as a site for thinking about what meanings writers communicate, as well as how interpreters become communicators in larger social discourses through interactions... more
EJ570072 - Life Writing and Basic Writing.
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by ThinkIR: The University of Louisville's Institutional Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Scholarship by an authorized administrator of ThinkIR: The... more
Drawing on findings from a national survey of TYCA members about how and why they access published scholarship, this article makes recommendations for fostering local teacher-scholar communities of practice within two-year college English... more
In a 2003 essay, Mary E. Hocks claimed that digital technology and the Internet “require new definitions of what we consider writing,” which, in turn, require “changes in our understanding of writing and rhetoric and, ultimately, in our... more
The traditional basic writing model (giving students manageable writing tasks like narratives and descriptions of familiar places) has been criticized by both Mike Rose and David Bartholomae, among others, for not moving the basic writer... more
Teaching the Holocaust in a first-year writing course--using photographs of the Shoah as a primary resource--authorizes students to engage in research and writing that provides a place of empathetic, dignified witnessing for those who... more
... Click on any of the links below to perform a new search. Title: Grading the War Story. Authors: Burdick, Melanie. ... Microfiche to Megabytes. ERIC Microfiche Digitization. Help ERIC expand online access to documents currently... more
By offering an annotated image of a half-dozen two-year college writing "programs, " this essay seeks to raise awareness of the challenges facing those who promote, work in, work toward, or participate in the development of two-year... more
This position statement was inspired by the "Position Statement on Graduate Students in Writing Center Administration" (endorsed by the International Writing Center Association on November 17,... more
EJ792050 - Whither "Peer Review"? Terminology Matters for the Writing Classroom.
Florida, where she teaches first-year and upper-division writing and rhetorical theory courses.
Just as progress and change require flow, curricular design (and redesign) is also cyclical and recursive by nature. It takes shape and evolves according to students’ educational needs, faculty decisions, and, ideally, workforce demands.... more
Diana George’s essay “From Analysis to Design” notes that “there remains much confusion over what is meant by visual communication, visual rhetoric, or, more simply, the visual and where or whether it belongs in a composition course”... more
EJ603178 - Letter Writing in the College Classroom.
Color highlighting is used to connect revision mini-lessons to teacher comments that are easy for students to identify and quicker for teachers to generate electronically. Colorful Revision: Color-Coded Comments Connected to Instruction... more
EJ515857 - Ideology, Textbook Production, and the Expert Reading of Popular Culture.